Most games require the use of both hands pretty evenly. The main controls are a lot of modern games are the dual sticks (both thumbs) and the 4 shoulder buttons (both index and/or middle fingers). Beyond that, most games allow for custom button mapping. Want the trigger to be L2 instead of R2? Fine, swap em. Rather run with the right stick and look with the left? again, swap em. You could possibly even swap the square/triangle/x/circle buttons with up/down/eft/right d-pad on some games. On the PS3, anyway. Probably not so much with the 360, since the d-pad sucks, and also switching the role of the sticks may be awkward since the sticks aren't symetrically placed.
In fact, i would think swapping the wii-mote and nun-chuck from right handed to left handed would be more of a problem than using a gamepad southpaw would be. I mean unless the game has a place to swap it in the options, wouldn't switching them make everything backwards? Boxing on wii sports, for instance. you jab the chuck forward to make a left jab, the wii-mote for a right jab. If you are holding them in the wrong hand, wouldn't that make it weird? I guess they probably have settings to adjust it for most games, just like most ps3/360 games have settings to change button-mapping.
So yeah, for the most part, left-handed vs. right handed is not a big deal, certainly not some point of ownage for the wii.
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