@mrbojangles25 said:
I'd like to see an Alpha Centauri 2 from the Civ team. We don't need any more historical TBS/4X games for the foreseeable future, imo.
XCOM 3 would be awesome as hell, I am hopeful for Midnight Suns but comic book games don't do much for me.
We also have Xenonauts 2 to look forward to, sequel to the amazing but criminally-overlooked Xenonauts 1.
They tried that with Civilization: Beyond Earth. I think EA might own the IP, hence why they couldn't make a full Alpha Centauri 2. Considering how they went with that, I'm not sure I want to see them try again either.
I did have my fun with Beyond Earth, despite its flaws. The main problem was that Beyond Earth seemed to have been an attempt to create a role-playing system within a Civ game. As a result, for example, while Alpha Centauri had distinct characters with well-developed ideologies and motivations, Beyond Earth had avatars that you could role-play into characters you want, which necessitated them being bland cardboard cut-outs. This contributed to the general blandness of the game.
I hope Xenonauts 2 turns out well. Hopefully they can do a better job than Phoenix Point, which was a bit of a disappointment.
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