you know how many times i have heard that sony lies and there followers blindly follow them?? alot. Now i dont read all of sony press conferences or things they say, so now im blind, i have no idea what lies sony as said and that arent following thru (at least in this gen were talking ps3).
they gave trophies (which active support coming in pretty much all new games, i cant complain)
they gave us ingame xmb(im happy i like mailing in game :P)
Home is on the way(yes i know it was pushed back a million times, but if uv been posted there going public now, allowing more and more ppl joining the beta until the open beta in fall) personally home to me is a free unexpected christmas gift, nothing more...
Exclusives (now i can understand ppl who bought ps3 from start might be mad, because they didnt have many titles out., but since ps3 is more or less a new toy still to me, im impressed by the exclusives out and coming out, sure theres xbox exclusives i want, but im sure theres some xbox fans want.) overall im happy on exclusives, lbp and infamous look to good to pass up.
website accsessing friendslist- well more features i beleive are coming out in the fall, but they started to work on this project by linkin' psu and psn so u can look at friendslist online.
dc universe-many thought it was cancelled bdue to MS marvel online cancelled, but it delvered.
PS video store- i am aware sony isnt the best at consistantly updating there games library in the sence of psn(but they gotbetter this year, still ps1 games lack) so i expected the video story to be weak, but its actually good, and at a great cost.
the only thing i can think of the didnt deliver is Life with playstation and they quickly announced there were having unexpected troubles with it and its being worked on (maybe in a month or 2 if it doesnt come out, then well call that a un-delivering promise).
Everyone i heard that sony said they would bring, they brought and/or is bringing.
So my question is (in the nicest way im asking) what lies did sony say to us and never followed thru with, im sick of these "sony fans are in denial and are blindly following sonys lies" i honestly think one guy said that and the system wars forum stuck to that idea and keep using it without any facts. Well nows ur chance, wheres your facts. this isnt a i told you so (on both sides) thread its more or less suppose to be informative of hwhat sony did and didnt do...
so lets discuss shall we?
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