Huh ? 6th Gen Games have DLC ?
How ? :/
Absolutely. This deserves a vid nod, such an amazing boss battle. Just listen to that music:
Man I think I'd kill to see another one of these games.
Notable mention to many of RE4's bosses.
Huh ? 6th Gen Games have DLC ?
How ? :/
Sorry, I meant an extra content. It's not part of the main campaign, the main focus of the game.
Metroid(nes) - boss:Mother brain
Metal gear 3 - boss: The End
Ah....how could I forget that. A serious, military infiltration game where the boss change the battleground to to a garden filled with white flowers then open her jacket to show her boobs before the fight and when some dialogue which I still can't make sense of whether she was a lover of snake, a sister, a kind of mother or truly an enemy or really fought like an enemy and when she died her scar turn to a real snake and vanishes into bushes. How emotional. Really bring a tear to my eye. Note that all of this is supposed to happening in a real world not a world of fantasy. What a great writer and Designer Kojima is. /sarcasm
Oh yeah, how could I forget him. The hundred year old guy who is always sleeping and then suddenly wakes up and takes shot with his sniper rifle while his eyes popping out. Again totally believable real world setting.I think he also uttered some garbabe when he was killed by snake along the lines of returning to forest. I'm sure you MGS shills have masturbated to that as well, considering it to another of Kojima's genius.
your complaints are exactly why we love this series so much. It's so out of the ordinary it just surprises you at every turn. Although Kojima sometimes do things that make you think he's an idiot like:
why did Raiden try to stop a giant submarine instead of just picking up Snake and dodge it? What was Kojima thinking when he wrote this scene? Was it a mistake because he was in a rush, maybe?
and at the beginning of MGS4, how did Snake not know that he needed an ID to use weapons when this was common knowledge within his world? And even worse, how did he shoot a gun at the beginning of the game even though he had no ID for it?
This really makes you wonder, does Kojima suffer from a mental illness or something? Do his employees watch the cut-scenes they make? It blows my mind that details like these are just forgotten you know. What about reviewers? Did they watch the cut-scenes? Because I don't remember a single one of them mentioning it. It makes me feel like I'm crazy.
Metroid(nes) - boss:Mother brain
Metal gear 3 - boss: The End
Ah....how could I forget that. A serious, military infiltration game where the boss change the battleground to to a garden filled with white flowers then open her jacket to show her boobs before the fight and when some dialogue which I still can't make sense of whether she was a lover of snake, a sister, a kind of mother or truly an enemy or really fought like an enemy and when she died her scar turn to a real snake and vanishes into bushes. How emotional. Really bring a tear to my eye. Note that all of this is supposed to happening in a real world not a world of fantasy. What a great writer and Designer Kojima is. /sarcasm
Oh yeah, how could I forget him. The hundred year old guy who is always sleeping and then suddenly wakes up and takes shot with his sniper rifle while his eyes popping out. Again totally believable real world setting.I think he also uttered some garbabe when he was killed by snake along the lines of returning to forest. I'm sure you MGS shills have masturbated to that as well, considering it to another of Kojima's genius.
your complaints are exactly why we love this series so much. It's so out of the ordinary it just surprises you at every turn. Although Kojima sometimes do things that make you think he's an idiot like:
why did Raiden try to stop a giant submarine instead of just picking up Snake and dodge it? What was Kojima thinking when he wrote this scene? Was it a mistake because he was in a rush, maybe?
and at the beginning of MGS4, how did Snake not know that he needed an ID to use weapons when this was common knowledge within his world? And even worse, how did he shoot a gun at the beginning of the game even though he had no ID for it?
This really makes you wonder, does Kojima suffer from a mental illness or something? Do his employees watch the cut-scenes they make? It blows my mind that details like these are just forgotten you know. What about reviewers? Did they watch the cut-scenes? Because I don't remember a single one of them mentioning it. It makes me feel like I'm crazy.
And all of that is what you expect from a how a four year old dreams of an action filled adventure not a game designed for adults that also takes it way too seriously. And you are right, even I don't understand about the critics, they give MGS and Kojima the free pass while they crucify many games for having cheesy dialogues or a little cliche story.
Lucifer - SMT: Nocturne
The Masked Man - Mother 3
Final Jeanne fight - Bayonetta
Pokémon Trainer Red - Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal
Everything in Resident Evil 4
Ornstein and Smough - Dark Souls
Shinryu - Final Fantasy V
Quadraxis - Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Nelo Angelo - Devil May Cry
Agni & Rudra - Devil May Cry 3
"Born To Be Done" - Gitaroo Man
Final boss battle in Yoshi's Island.
Ganondorf/Ganon - Ocarina of Time
Mike Tyson
Ornstein and Smough - Dark Souls
Andross - StarFox 64
Bowser - Any Mario game with Bowser as the enemy
WizPig - Diddy Kong Racing
-Every moment in the entire Punch-Out!! series
-Domz Priest from Beyond Good and Evil
-Emperor Bulblax from Pikmin
-Water Wraith from Pikmin 2
-Quaggled Mireclops from Pikmin 3
-Plasm Wraith from Pikmin 3
Ah....how could I forget that. A serious, military infiltration game where the boss change the battleground to to a garden filled with white flowers then open her jacket to show her boobs before the fight and when some dialogue which I still can't make sense of whether she was a lover of snake, a sister, a kind of mother or truly an enemy or really fought like an enemy and when she died her scar turn to a real snake and vanishes into bushes. How emotional. Really bring a tear to my eye. Note that all of this is supposed to happening in a real world not a world of fantasy. What a great writer and Designer Kojima is. /sarcasm
Oh yeah, how could I forget him. The hundred year old guy who is always sleeping and then suddenly wakes up and takes shot with his sniper rifle while his eyes popping out. Again totally believable real world setting.I think he also uttered some garbabe when he was killed by snake along the lines of returning to forest. I'm sure you MGS shills have masturbated to that as well, considering it to another of Kojima's genius.
Yeah bro. I uh... I like video games? I didn't know that enjoying a boss fight in a game meant that it had to be super realistic. Guess I should just scratch off every single boss fight I ever played in any game then and they should probably just lock up this topic. Since you know best of course.
As for the rest of your sore ass rant, I have know idea what sparked all that. I never knew that MGS was supposed to be serious. I have never called Kojima a great writer. Never knew that a series full of comic book villains and mechs with battle cries was supposed to reflect real world events. I never masturbated to anything MGS related, but I suppose I'll give it a shot.
I have no idea what MGS did to you and your family, but you should probably seek some help.
Good luck.
Most of the bosses in Demon's Souls are just so amazing. I guess off the top of my head The Old Hero or whatever his name was my favorite. But it's really hard to chose, because they all have a similar feeling. Dark Souls on the other hand fails to do this, some bosses are very forgettable in that game, but different games I suppose.
I spent hours trying to get past the second boss on Ninja Gaiden (Xbox). All the other bosses in the game were a breeze compared to that horseback samurai. I also had some trouble with the first boss, until I figured out that he wasn't so good against wall attacks.
The Old Monk from Demon's Souls, didn't realize I was playing another player online until half way. It was definitely a fresh experience compare to just fighting an NPC like in other games.
Ridley (Metroid series) - Pretty much every instance of him is unique and extraordinary in it's own way. Other M being the best.
Ornstein and Smough (Dark Souls) - Having played this boss a good 150+ times (from speed running, failing to beat and co-op in Anor Londo) I can tell you it is one of the most challenging, rewarding and sublime boss experiences in recent years.
The End (Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater) - At the time, this glorious battle was unmatched. It had incredible tension and forced the player to be very patient. As soon as you get spotted, you are in trouble. Once you learn his patterns and hiding spots, it gets easier, but the first time meeting him (if you didn't kill him earlier in the game) is extraordinary and I still remember it to this day.
Bowser (SMW2: Yoshi's Island) - Every Mario game puts you up against him, but only Yoshi's Island does it in an incredibly unique, imposing manner. The game already has a ton of incredible bosses, but it culminates in the ultimate showdown at the end. Finally beating him is a point of pure achievement.
Vergil (Devil May Cry 3) - The epitome of evenly matched. On the higher difficulties, this boss requires sheer power of will to maintain composure. Not only is it an amazing fight, but incredibly challenging.
MMO bosses with good freinds/guildies .
Nothing comes close to the challenge and satisfaction of some of those.
Absolutely. This deserves a vid nod, such an amazing boss battle. Just listen to that music:
Man I think I'd kill to see another one of these games.
Notable mention to many of RE4's bosses.
Yeah, the first time I played it, I was enjoying Saga well enough until that point, but after that fight with Azel, I knew I was playing something really special. I'd be happy, if by some miracle, we got even a remake to be perfectly honest, lol.
Basically anything from the Resident Evil series, Sin and Punishment 2, Devil May Cry 1 and 3, Blades of Time, No More Heroes 1 and 2, Lollipop Chainsaw, Shadow of the Colossus, etc.
Metroid mother brain, kenseiden the skull in the flaming wheel, the dark lord in miracle warriors, psycho mantis, the end of half life, the end, the first boss in ninja Gaiden, the senator in mgr.
no one mentioned The Boss, so I'm not sure why you brought her up.
And no one mentioned the story around The End either, only that they enjoyed the fight itself.
You sound like you're having some issues; are you ok?
Absolutely. This deserves a vid nod, such an amazing boss battle. Just listen to that music:
Man I think I'd kill to see another one of these games.
Notable mention to many of RE4's bosses.
Yeah, the first time I played it, I was enjoying Saga well enough until that point, but after that fight with Azel, I knew I was playing something really special. I'd be happy, if by some miracle, we got even a remake to be perfectly honest, lol.
Source code rumored lost. :( Doubtful.
Shadow of the Colossus thread?
Yeah The End is one of my favourites ever. So much freedom to it and so many ways to finish him off.
But what was the original fight supposed to be like?
Some of my most memorable boss fights, limited to one per franchise:
Shadow of the Colossus thread?
Yeah The End is one of my favourites ever. So much freedom to it and so many ways to finish him off.
But what was the original fight supposed to be like?
He wanted the battle to last for days, maybe even a week! The play stage would have been much more larger. Not that the 3 areas that we fought him in were bad, but I guess for such a lengthy fight you would need quite a bit more distance. Survival would have been a much bigger deal, having to scrounge for food in the environment without being seen.
I believe the idea got cut down for two reasons.
1. They just didn't think the average gamer would deal with a boss fight that's longer than the rest of the game combined.
2. It was a bitch to make it work on a technical level.
And who knows, maybe it's better the way it turned out. Maybe a crazy long battle would have been a bad way to go. But it sure would be awesome just to try it though. Like if Kojima had a build of his vision for the boss fight in some secret Konami vault lol
Ah....how could I forget that. A serious, military infiltration game where the boss change the battleground to to a garden filled with white flowers then open her jacket to show her boobs before the fight and when some dialogue which I still can't make sense of whether she was a lover of snake, a sister, a kind of mother or truly an enemy or really fought like an enemy and when she died her scar turn to a real snake and vanishes into bushes. How emotional. Really bring a tear to my eye. Note that all of this is supposed to happening in a real world not a world of fantasy. What a great writer and Designer Kojima is. /sarcasm
Oh yeah, how could I forget him. The hundred year old guy who is always sleeping and then suddenly wakes up and takes shot with his sniper rifle while his eyes popping out. Again totally believable real world setting.I think he also uttered some garbabe when he was killed by snake along the lines of returning to forest. I'm sure you MGS shills have masturbated to that as well, considering it to another of Kojima's genius.
Yeah bro. I uh... I like video games? I didn't know that enjoying a boss fight in a game meant that it had to be super realistic. Guess I should just scratch off every single boss fight I ever played in any game then and they should probably just lock up this topic. Since you know best of course.
As for the rest of your sore ass rant, I have know idea what sparked all that. I never knew that MGS was supposed to be serious. I have never called Kojima a great writer. Never knew that a series full of comic book villains and mechs with battle cries was supposed to reflect real world events. I never masturbated to anything MGS related, but I suppose I'll give it a shot.
I have no idea what MGS did to you and your family, but you should probably seek some help.
Good luck.
Did you miss the tons of topics about Kojima being a great writer and MGS being a great series, recently?
no one mentioned The Boss, so I'm not sure why you brought her up.
And no one mentioned the story around The End either, only that they enjoyed the fight itself.
You sound like you're having some issues; are you ok?
I think I quote the person who mentioned the boss. Check again. And so did I that those 'bosses' were super stupid to begin with, why were you fighting them makes no sense.
Well, all MGS shills never shut up about MGS and its great story and shove it down everyone's throats. Just natural tha I'm going to give them a taste of their own medicine. Funny, now they can't defend their 'GLORIOUS' characters and story, they brag about so much.
Ah....how could I forget that. A serious, military infiltration game where the boss change the battleground to to a garden filled with white flowers then open her jacket to show her boobs before the fight and when some dialogue which I still can't make sense of whether she was a lover of snake, a sister, a kind of mother or truly an enemy or really fought like an enemy and when she died her scar turn to a real snake and vanishes into bushes. How emotional. Really bring a tear to my eye. Note that all of this is supposed to happening in a real world not a world of fantasy. What a great writer and Designer Kojima is. /sarcasm
Oh yeah, how could I forget him. The hundred year old guy who is always sleeping and then suddenly wakes up and takes shot with his sniper rifle while his eyes popping out. Again totally believable real world setting.I think he also uttered some garbabe when he was killed by snake along the lines of returning to forest. I'm sure you MGS shills have masturbated to that as well, considering it to another of Kojima's genius.
Yeah bro. I uh... I like video games? I didn't know that enjoying a boss fight in a game meant that it had to be super realistic. Guess I should just scratch off every single boss fight I ever played in any game then and they should probably just lock up this topic. Since you know best of course.
As for the rest of your sore ass rant, I have know idea what sparked all that. I never knew that MGS was supposed to be serious. I have never called Kojima a great writer. Never knew that a series full of comic book villains and mechs with battle cries was supposed to reflect real world events. I never masturbated to anything MGS related, but I suppose I'll give it a shot.
I have no idea what MGS did to you and your family, but you should probably seek some help.
Good luck.
Did you miss the tons of topics about Kojima being a great writer and MGS being a great series, recently?
I remember ONE recent topic asking if people consider Kojima a great writer. Not tons. And most of the answers boiled down to "hahahaha **** no", mine included.
I don't remember any recent topic about MGS being a great series, though I do believe it's had some great entries. Feel free to link me to these tons of topics though if you like.
Still, none of that has anything to do with me enjoying a boss fight. None of my enjoyment of said boss fight had to do with the cutscenes that happened before or after it. I enjoyed the actual playable boss fight. Simple.
It seems you have a very warped perception of most MGS fans and what people like about this series. Go to any MGS board. Watch somebody complain about something that's not realistic. Then witness a hundred MGS fans jump their shit and tell them how foolish they are for expecting realism from MGS, while listing multitudes of instances that are so far gone from reality.
WE KNOW THE SERIES ISN'T REALISTIC BRO. It never has been. I probably wouldn't like it if it was. I mean ****, forget about how absurd MGS2 was from beginning to end. Let's just isolate MGS3 here since I was talking about The End boss fight specifically.
Before you can complete the into mission in MGS3... the fucking tutorial. Your former mentor walks up toting about 500 lbs. of equipment as if it's a duffle bag full of clothes. Immediately afterwards a fucking ghost appears behind her. Immediately after that, the Soviet raised love child of M.Bison and Mortal Kombats Raiden shows up sporting some fashionable electric gauntlets... then our friendly neighborhood hornet tamer comes into the scene with a swarm under his command while grandpa Munster Gene Simmons lifts away your target.
All of this in one scene at the beginning. How could you possibly expect anything in the game to be realistic past that point?
You're really just arguing with yourself on this one. Setting up your own straw men to proudly knock down.
Yes, I'm sure you can find some Kojima worshiping fools from time to time. We have one on this board as a matter of fact, Mozelleple. But guess what man? Every popular series has these kinds of fans and they rarely make up the majority. And in the case of MGS? They're by far the minority.
Edit: Hahaha, talk about some good timing. Immediately after submitting this post, I visited the GF MGSV message board... what do I find? A topic full of MGS fans basically mocking those who take this shit seriously, or expect anything to be grounded.
For me the Planes of Power bosses in EQ1. Also Vox and Naggy in their day. No other game comes close to the feeling of accomplishment you got when you downed those bosses for the first time. The most notorious boss on any game I have played though is another one from EQ1 called Kerafyrm. Kerafrym went many years and many expansions without being killed and was said to be un-killable until two guilds of ~300 people banded together on RZ server to kill him. they got Kerafyrm to 1% and a GM de-spawned him which infuriated the EQ community. The GMS later apologized and re-spawned him so that the players on the server could give it another go, many hours later the players finally killed him and he had no loot.
Executioner Smough & Dragonslayer Ornstien...
Anyone who has played Dark Souls would understand, the realisation after you enter then room that your are fucked even more than normal, and the trek back to the boss room is no cake walk makes for an interesting fight.
Shadow of the Colossus thread?
Yeah The End is one of my favourites ever. So much freedom to it and so many ways to finish him off.
But what was the original fight supposed to be like?
He wanted the battle to last for days, maybe even a week! The play stage would have been much more larger. Not that the 3 areas that we fought him in were bad, but I guess for such a lengthy fight you would need quite a bit more distance. Survival would have been a much bigger deal, having to scrounge for food in the environment without being seen.
I believe the idea got cut down for two reasons.
1. They just didn't think the average gamer would deal with a boss fight that's longer than the rest of the game combined.
2. It was a bitch to make it work on a technical level.
And who knows, maybe it's better the way it turned out. Maybe a crazy long battle would have been a bad way to go. But it sure would be awesome just to try it though. Like if Kojima had a build of his vision for the boss fight in some secret Konami vault lol
Would have been better if you know, The End could actually kill you.
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