Street Fighter V and Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze are the most likely culprits.
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@SolidGame_basic: I started Sleeping Dogs last gen. Got interrupted by training in the Army and just moved onto something else months later. Im really digging it.
WoW: Battle for Azeroth
Getting back into Kerbal Space Program
Probably a little VTOL VR or Battlezone when the mood strikes me.
Assassin's Creed Origins and Warframe.
Ive had Origins since last year and haven't fired it up yet. Do you like it?
Very much! It's the revitalization the series needed after declining from 3 to Syndicate, although 4 (Black Flag) was very good. More fluid combat that's complemented very well by the new skill leveling tree, crafting and customization, lots of exploration (world is huuuuuuuuge) and the most colorful entry in the series, just overall STUNNING crafting of the desert paradise of ancient Egypt, being a terrific setting for AC.
Games Im playing this weekend
Kingdom Hearts 1 of Kingdo Hearts 1.5 for my Playstation 3
Dark Souls II for Playstation 3
Obscure the Aftermath for my PSP whenever im not busy with other stuff
read hardcover book of Stephen King's Dark Tower III to take a break from playing vidyagames
Getting back into Kerbal Space Program
Erg...I have lost so much sleep over that game lately. I spent many hours perfecting a rocket that can deliver five independent payloads as far as Jool.
It takes asparagus staging 24 SRBs to get her off the ground, but I can burn the main stage at 50% after 100m/s until final SRB separation and then use the rest of that fuel for my orbital burn, saving the other stages for my Munar burn (slingshot to solar orbit), the planetary burn from solar orbit (the four lower boosters in the image + second main stage), and slowing down at the target system (independently, four boosters after separation and main stage with nosecone). She's slow to orient being so damn heavy. Got a custom four-pod skycrane/rover in the nose, and four comsats in the rockets on the side. Comsat boosters come off and are individually targetable thereafter.
If I want to get further than Jool, gonna have to throw a few extra stages into orbit and then go dock to them.
Have heard mixed reviews on the expansion, most say it's nothing you can't get with mods. Haven't moved on it because of that.
@br0kenrabbit: daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn dude that is amazing!
Do you use any mods?
I've been playing the game for years, but I just sort of play around. I've just now started working on rendezvous technique (and failing at it...thank god this game has so many tutorials by fans), I want to build a space station, then eventually a ship like yours.
@br0kenrabbit: daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn dude that is amazing!
Do you use any mods?
I've been playing the game for years, but I just sort of play around. I've just now started working on rendezvous technique (and failing at it...thank god this game has so many tutorials by fans), I want to build a space station, then eventually a ship like yours.
No mods. Not yet.
Make sure you know how to use the map screen. Whether you are going to a planet or docking, set your target on the map screen, then click on the path in front of your ship to bring up the action bobble. You can drag the action icons to, for instance, prograde, retrograde, normal, anti-normal, radial in and radial out. Play around and move your orbital line close to your target.
You'll see two arrows appear when you find a path that crosses your targets path: one arrow will be on your line and show where you will be when you are closest to your target, the other will be on the targets line and shows where it will be on closest approach. SLOWLY play around with the action bobble to bring these two arrows together.
When doing so with a planet/moon as a target, when you get really close you'll see an insert pop up with your periapsis and the target object. You can play around with the action bobble here to bring your periapsis close to where you want.
Now you'll have a blue target on your navball. Click the SAS and select the Target icon to get your ship to orient in this direction. On the right of your navball it will tell you when to start your burn and for how long. This will send you on your way.
You will want to fast forward and get closer (NOT TOO CLOSE!) If you make corrections from a distance you burn a lot less fuel. It's the old "If you're off by one meter here, imagine how far off you'll be in 1,000km" trick. Make your semi-final corrections well before you begin your encounter with the object.
This game in five words: When is the next burn?
@quadknight: how to you like the space bike? Was thinking of buying myself one of them.
I've got myself a MISC Freelancer and a Gladius.
Well, it's 12:40 Monday morning here, and I've been retrogaming lately for some reason. I've been playing some old arcade games, especially Donkey Kong, and last night spent a long time playing the Commodore 64's Monty on the Run. It's partially Billy Mitchell's fault. I've been watching him play DK on Twitch a bit.
@quadknight: how to you like the space bike? Was thinking of buying myself one of them.
I've got myself a MISC Freelancer and a Gladius.
It's freaking awesome lol. It's really fun zipping on planets with it. I feel like I'm in Star Wars or something when I fly around with it on planets.
:D It's one of my favorite vehicles in the game, I highly recommend it.
XB1 X enhanced Halo MCC... sooooo good!
Hnnnng.,... I want it on PC. Gave my X1 to a bud due to games being released on PC. Kept my MCC Xbox version just incase. I would probably buy an X for the SP alone. Sucker for Halo.
The SP is all I care about with Halo... and it looks so damn good on a 4k TV. Even Halo 1 looks so sharp!
The SP is all I care about with Halo... and it loI'm loks so damn good on a 4k TV. Even Halo 1 looks so sharp!
I'm largely the same. My bro still has his Xbone, and a copy of MCC and we like to play through Halo SP together. My 4K TV is my next purchase.
The SP is all I care about with Halo... and it loI'm loks so damn good on a 4k TV. Even Halo 1 looks so sharp!
I'm largely the same. My bro still has his Xbone, and a copy of MCC and we like to play through Halo SP together. My 4K TV is my next purchase.
Cool... and MCC isn't just 4K, it's 4k/60FPS :)
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