game of the year cyberpunk 77
@robbie23: You are right, they're not that bad, especially if you play on easy. For some reason though, I had a hard time with the last couple bosses in doom eternal. I refuse to play on easy or use sentinel armor/cheat codes too lol. muliplayer is not my thing for that game, but i will do it for the plat and never touch it again.
Got the last achievements in Streets of Rage 4 yesterday. Such a great game. Now back to the mediocre Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Played it for twenty hours. Feels like its ending.
Got the last achievements in Streets of Rage 4 yesterday. Such a great game. Now back to the mediocre Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Played it for twenty hours. Feels like its ending.
I played about an hour of Shadow of the Tomb Raider. It has a different feel from previous games. Kind of arcade-y. Makes me feel like this is the Dead Space 3 of the series lol.
Finally giving Hollow Knight a proper go, been kicking that can down the road forever.
It's a great start and I'm sure it gets much better, but sometimes feel like I've played too many metroidvanias.
Tryin' to finish Cold Steel 2, but the game never ends! You think you beat the final boss? LOL! Then the game switches to completely new characters. Done with that? Think the game is now over? Nopelol! Another free day. Yay!
Just beat Astro's Playroom. Pretty cool tech demo/game. Makes full use of PS5 controller's features in a fun way. Thanks Sony!
just finished playing xenoblade de. one of the best rpg ive played in recent years. fighting overleveled superboss is such a treat
Been playing some AC Valhalla, I gotta say this game truly looks beautiful. I also tried the Monster Hunter Rise demo on Switch and immediately got bored out of it. Not the game's fault, I never like Monster Hunter in the first place but was still curious.
While I wait for updates on the Cyberpunk situation, as well as continuing my Total Warhammer II campaigns, I'm digging into my winter sales haul, starting with A Plague Tale: Innocence. So far, it reminds me of The Last of Us. Except medieval. And French. So French, I decided to experimentally switch the spoken language to français for a little bit of... ...quel est le mot juste? Vivacité? Authenticité? Even managed to understand a few words without reading the subtitles.
C'est intéressant comme choix et oui tu as tout à fait raison cela rajoute un peu d'authenticité pour rendre ton expérience un peu plus immersive. J'espère que tu t'amuse bien!
Sorry had to show off my french 😋
I was able to get BF 2142 and Battle for Middle Earth 2 running so I gave them some time this weekend for nostalgia sake.
Update: okaaayyy...
Consider this a bit of a PSA if you haven't played A Plague Tale: Innocence but are interested. There is a huge tone shift in the middle of this game; you start off The Last of Us-like, all alone with your little brother, sneaking around avoiding fights because you die in one hit, and it plays a little survival-horror-y. But all of a sudden, you become a glass cannon, racking up body counts and taking down heavily armed and armoured soldiers with ease, the game becomes a bit Uncharted-y with a dash of Dishonored, and you assemble an Avengers-like team of super-skilled orphans to presumably save the world. I haven't finished it yet so I'm not sure about the "save the world" part, but it's looking like it.
Honestly, I couldn't stop laughing when it happened, it was so abrupt. Consider this a warning so you know what you're getting yourselves into.
Update: okaaayyy...
Consider this a bit of a PSA if you haven't played A Plague Tale: Innocence but are interested. There is a huge tone shift in the middle of this game; you start off The Last of Us-like, all alone with your little brother, sneaking around avoiding fights because you die in one hit, and it plays a little survival-horror-y. But all of a sudden, you become a glass cannon, racking up body counts and taking down heavily armed and armoured soldiers with ease, the game becomes a bit Dishonored-y, and you assemble an Avengers-like team of super-skilled orphans to save your brother, and presumably the world as well. I haven't finished it yet so I'm not sure about that last one.
Honestly, I couldn't stop laughing when it happened, it was so abrupt. Consider this a warning so you know what you're getting yourselves into.
Lol, that is a pretty big shift. Speaking of easy games, Watch Dogs Legion is super easy. At least it is so far. There is one perk you can unlock right in the beginning that makes you invisible for about 10 seconds. It's all you need to pretty much get around everything lol.
I heard you can pretty much play through that game with any character just by giving them a spider drone to do everything.
Shame, really. The whole "recruit anyone" gimmick has potential, but it seems, as usual, Ubisoft just don't put enough thought into the implementation.
I heard you can pretty much play through that game with any character just by giving them a spider drone to do everything.
Shame, really. The whole "recruit anyone" gimmick has potential, but it seems, as usual, Ubisoft just don't put enough thought into the implementation.
Lol, it really is that easy. You can use a spider drone to sneak around or even upgrade it with lasers so you can attack people. The game is fun in a messing around kind of a way. But you can pretty much get through anything with very little effort. The gameplay loop does get repetitious and locations are recycled for main and side missions. Recruiting was cool at first, but it only seems worth it for the most interesting characters. I recruited a Bee lady who can summons bees at people lol. Or a James Bond type character who can shoot missiles from her car. The melee combat is also pretty fun, I'll give them that.
@madrocketeer: in Plague Tale your friends are pretty much background companions and do very little to aid or hinder your progress except in largely scripted segments. They are primarily there for the story telling
That being said, I do think the combat implementation is hard to swallow, and there is definitely a major tone shift (although I attribute it more to the direction the story takes than your buds)
Wait till you get to the end if you think it's over-the-top now, lol
Finally! Beat the longest game ever in the history of single player video games: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 2.
Started Trails of Cold Steel 3 and wow, QOL features through the roof! More voiced dialog, brighter colors, streamlined interface, smoother gameplay, high speed mode, auto battles.
Moved on to Shadow of the Beast. Pretty cool game I must say. Great art direction and I can see the combat being addicting if you are actually any good at it 🤓.
Kind of amazing what they are able to achieve with such a simple premise.
@madrocketeer: that's a pretty big exaggeration about Plague Tale, IMO. Your friends are pretty much background companions and do very little to aid or hinder your progress except in largely scripted segments. They are primarily there for the story telling
That being said, I do think the combat implementation is hard to swallow, and there is definitely a major tone shift (although I attribute it more to the direction the story takes than your buds)
Wait till you get to the end if you think it's over-the-top now, lol
Lol I think I know what you are referring to 😂!
@madrocketeer: I may have spoken too soon lol. The enemy guards now have armor and can cloak themselves. They can also send spiders at you that detonate and explode lol. So it's been a little bit more challenging, but still not difficult.
Finally! Beat the longest game ever in the history of single player video games: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 2.
Started Trails of Cold Steel 3 and wow, QOL features through the roof! More voiced dialog, brighter colors, streamlined interface, smoother gameplay, high speed mode, auto battles.
ToCS are decent games, but definitely drag on a bit. I started 3, and stalled until 4 is on PC, as that's the last of Cold Steel and i'd like to go back-to-back.
Finally! Beat the longest game ever in the history of single player video games: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 2.
Started Trails of Cold Steel 3 and wow, QOL features through the roof! More voiced dialog, brighter colors, streamlined interface, smoother gameplay, high speed mode, auto battles.
ToCS are decent games, but definitely drag on a bit. I started 3, and stalled until 4 is on PC, as that's the last of Cold Steel and i'd like to go back-to-back.
Only real complaint I have is the turn based system with those random buffs and ailments, and the inconsistency of the difficulty.
Only real complaint I have is the turn based system with those random buffs and ailments, and the inconsistency of the difficulty.
Trust me, i've raged on quite a few boss battles with the regen. I wasn't working for a long time and plowed through 1 & 2 as well as a part of 3, and even I felt they got long in the tooth.
Basically totalled what's left of Control today, as opposed to the other day. Decided to do the side shit for no other reason than I wasn't playing anything else. Honestly, kind of a "WTF" story, but it's damn interesting, no doubts there. Cool to see that Control will play into prior games, and will be likely carried forward. It's an interesting story and I don't doubt The Board and Former will play a large part.
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