@RR360DD: LOL, sony won because the ps4 is stronger and cheaper. The X1 is expensive and weaker, talking about games the X1 didn't show any intresting exclusives either.
well he was hyping teh titanfail as if it was the second coming from jesus so i guess in his delusional mind that's why it won, fast travel to 1 year later and it flopped, didn't manage to sell enough xbones to be relevant and as always lems just hype things out of proportion. Next in line teh directx 12 and teh halo 5!
Really Halo 5? Want to make a wager on this amazing nugget of information? Hell, if Halo 1-4 hit the X1 this fall, Sales will skyrocket.
10 million selling "per copy" face of the franchise not moving consoles? There is a limit to fanboyism? Or is there?
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