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Just Cause 2 ~ Easily the best sandbox game of the generation. Its like Crackdown on steroids. The world is massive, highly varied (each major section plays and looks entirely different, despite being similar terrain). There are tons of vehicles to play around with. The grappling tether is probably the greatest item of the generation, one of the best in the history of gaming. The story is crap and the dialogue is crap, but who plays a sandbox game for the story and dialogue? In any sense, it adds a campy feel to the game, so its not all that bad. Then there are the graphics... aside from Crysis, its probably the best looking game (technically) to be released this generation, considering that wherever within 25 km you look, anything you see you can interact with.
Mirror's Edge ~ A revolution for movement in first person, one that was highly overlooked because it wasn't a good "shooter" like people were expecting. But in the end, those of us who enjoyed it got an absolutely fantastic first-person platformer/parkour simulator that was not only a fantastic game, but looked fantastic as well, both technically and artistically.
Dead Rising ~ My first real step into "next-gen" and probably the best one I've had so far. There is absolutely no way this game would have been possible on a previous generation of consoles, nor would it have been as good. The freedom to do whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted was absolutely outstanding, and then the mission structure that turned the game into a zombie survival simulator (in the sense you had to budget time and items) was just icing on the cake. It was a fantastic game that was incredibly overlooked.
Prince of Persia [2008] ~ Probably the most artistic game of the generation. It is a living painting that is so deeply infused with Zoroastrian mythology that it takes a high working knowledge of the tradition in order to fully understand everything about the game. The combat might have been easy and repetitive, but the worlds were beautiful and the platforming was exhilarating. It just goes to show how much a story can add to a platformer.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion ~ An action-adventure game that wants to be a RPG. Severely broken out of the box, and the instigator of the infamous DLC... but I still can't help the fact I put at least 400+ hours into the game (on multiple platforms) and enjoyed it quite substantially. It was just something about the world, being able to explore at my own leisure and having interesting lore that deepened the enjoyment.
Forza Motorsport 3 ~ Easily the best all-around racing game of the generation, if not all time (I'm not into hardcore PC sims). The amount of customization, the variety in cars and tracks and the overall structure of the game takes heaps of craps all over Forza 2 and doesn't let up. There was such a marked improvement over its predecessor, I can not think of what it would be like to go back to play Forza 2 again.
Mass Effect ~ An absolutely outstanding role-playing game that introduced an entire new world that was not only immersive but quite intriguing. The gameplay needs some work (it wasn't fixed properly in ME2, just changed) and there were some streamlining desperately needed for things like inventory... but the overall game was outstanding, a true "next-gen" experience.
If I had to make a top-3 list of games this gen, I'd probably list them as follows:
1. Prince of Persia [2008]
2. Mass Effect
3. Dead Rising
With Just Cause 2 quickly making its way near the list, ready to strike one of the three down.
1 - Valkyria Chronicles. A masterfully crafted turn-based strategy game with a lovely artstyle, challenging gameplay and a decent story.
2 - Super Mario Galaxy 2. I would include SMG1 with this, but know that I've finished the sequel, I've seen it as superior. More challenge, better level design and the inclusion of Yoshi.
3 - Prince of Persia (2008). Another beautiful game to look at, with interesting platforming, and decent combat. This game deserves a true sequel.
4 - inFamous. I was never one for open world games, but I found I really enjoyed inFamous. The electrical powers are fun to play with and the story is great. The ending... wasn't prepared for that. I'll leave out spoilers.
5 - Wii Sports Resort. Simple, well-made fun. That's all that's necessary for such a title.
1. Fallout 3
2. Oblvion
3. Halo 3
4. LittleBigPlanet
5. Demon's Souls
6. Ratchet and Clank ToD / ACiT
7. Killzone 2
8. REd Dead Redemption
9. Resistance 2
10. BioShock
11. Mass Effect
12. MW2
SMG 1 & 2
Mass Effect 1 & 2
Red Dead Redemption
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
No More Heroes 1 & 2
Soul Calibur 4
Persona 3 & 4 ( I know it's not on a next gen system, but so what! )
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Super Street Fighter 4
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
Bully Wii ( I didn't get to play it on PS2 )
Okami Wii ( I didn't get to play it on PS2 )
Dragon Age: Origins and Resident Evil 5 are some of my favorite games this generation, there is more than these two game but listing all of them would be a bit repetitive.
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker -It actually does this to you. 'Only took a week and a half to become my most played game.
Crysis - The diverse sandbox game play and mods makes for a game with near unlimited replay value.
Shattered Horizon - A unique, refreshing take on the first person shooter genre.
Mirror's Edge - If I'm not mistaken it's the first of it's kind. With a concept as great as this, hopefully it won't be the only(make a sequel, dangit!)
Prince of Persia - It may be repetitive and easy, but at least it's repeating something good.
i have alot my self most of it being wii titles!
they are
saints row 1 360
saints row 2 ps3 360
gta iv 360 ps3
condemned 1/2 ps3 360 (2) 1 is only on 360
test drive unlimited 360
perfect dark xbla-360
doom 1/2 360
super mario galaxy
zelda tp
metroid prime
red steel 2
red steel
quantum of solace wii /360
nsmb wii/ds
super paper mario wii
moh heroes 2 wii
cod series wii 360 ps3
infamous ps3
gt5 p -ps3
resistance 2-ps3
banjo kazooie 1/2 ports-360
ssbb wii
family feud wii
trivial pursuit wii
monopoly wii
price is right wii
wii sports resort wii
mariokart wii
marioparty 8 wii
zack and wiki wii
driver paralel lines wii
and more
Persona 4
Demons Souls
Mass Effect 1 & 2
Uncharted 1 & 2
Heavy Rain
Forza 2 & 3
Shadow Complex
Pac Man Championship edition
Geometry Wars 1 & 2
Fallout 3
The Orange Box
Fable 2
Rainbow 6: Vegas
Burnout Paradise
Dragon Age
Splinter Cell Conviction
Assassins Creed 2
The Darkness
Halo 3
Gears 1 & 2
Dead Rising
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