For me, the memories I'll always treasure is Halo CE being my first Xbox game purchased was the best moments of my gaming life! Halo CE introduce me to the world of possibilities that comes with Xbox, owning an Xbox felt like I had a powerhouse gaming PC at that time. Halo 2 is what got me into gaming online, it really blew me away. Also, a shoutout to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic on Xbox really put the Star Wars fans in a better position as that game really dove into the old world of Jedi/Sith wars. Xbox really had so much incredible games, I can list them all but I'll just keep it short saying Jade Empire, Fable, Forza, Brute Force, Avent Rising, and Blinx the Time Sweeper are my best memories.
Xbox 360, now that's the perfect Xbox console MS put out, we were getting mega hit games, I don't know where to start. Gears of War, now that game was awesome, followed by Gears of War 2 & 3. Halo 3 was my most played game and followed by ODST & Reach. Crackdown was dope, it makes Suicide Squad game look bad in comparison lol. Overall, Xbox & Xbox 360 were the best memories for me.
Xbox One just flat-out sucks, no good memories coming from me! No offence to Xbox fans but Xbox One was the most redundant system of all time. The only game I like from it is Rare Replay.
@Pedro said:
Xbox memories? Y'all are weird when it comes to console gaming.
Who is this Y'all you speak of?
You can't even answered this thread without trying to start a fight is laughable coming from you🤣
But seriously, you gotta have at least good times with Xbox at least?
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