The 40/80 GB is stupid.
40-i wonder if sony chose Wi Fi over BC. But anyway, i dont need wi fi and idont need blu ray spider man
80- dont wont a gimped BC PS3, Motorstorm has rumble back but the speed of the game is to slow and it doesnt have no 4 player splitscreen. Not even 2 player splitscreen. This game would of been huge if it had speed, rumble, 4 player and custom soundtrack.
Why buy a PS3 now knowing the controller will be replaced by the DS3
The only advantage xbox 1 had over PS2 was the fact you can listen to your own music in some games. Mircosoft knew how popular the feature was and made it better on 360. You would think Sony would of had somthing as simple as that on day 1.
360- All i see is shooters. yeah MS is getting games that i liked during my PS2 run, but i dont pay over $20 for 1 player action/adventure games besides GTA that is. Sports games are still number 1 around here and only 4 players is not enough.
Wii- yeah i played Mario Galaxy and liked it( wished u can use a regular controler) but thats only one game and the list of wii games dont turn me on. Nintendo last AAA console is SNES.
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