Civilization: Revolution.(PS3) One of the greatest series of all time comes to next gen systems with an emphasis on multiplayer! Of course, it turned out to be a completely lobotomized version of the venerated classic, and lack all the customization that Civ titles are known for... but hey! It's all about multiplayer this time, and they needed to speed things up. Well, OK. Except first they omitted hotseat multiplayer (which had been in every release of Civ since at least Civ II:ToT) so you couldn't play with friends when they came over, you had to play online. Only, you couldn't PLAY online (PS3 version at least) unless you had the person on your friends list, and then it would take a miracle for it to hold connection for the duration. Customer support first outright denied the issue (even when they admitted only seeing a couple dozen games being played at any given time) and then didn't listen to what the problems were from the community leading to more wasted time. 3 months and two patches later, the original problems still existed, and the dev team basically said they were giving up. So did I, and I gotta say that was the absolute worst 60 bucks Ive ever had stolen from me. I only hope some day a "Lemon Law" for video games released in an unplayable fashion is put on the books.
Rainbow Six Vegas 2.(PS3) OK. So the First R6V had a multitude of issues that they swore they'd fix via patch... and flat-out lied. But all is forgiven! R6V2 has been built from the ground up to fix all the issues with the first and give groundbreaking new visuals. Except it released with every single online issue that plauged the first release, and the engine showed no improvement over the first. It also had a nasty tendency of crashing to the XMB during single player... roughly once an hour, and for no apparent reason. When the devs were hit up with a great big "WTF" from the community they flat out denied any issues whatsoever. When the gaming media got involved, they reluctantly admitted that they had tons of complaints and would look into them, but stressed they would not commit to fixing them even if any were found?!?!?! That was enough for me. As a collector, I very rarely sell a game I buy, but this one went to Gamestop one week after I bought it.
Smart Bomb.(PSP) OK, I shoulda seen this one coming. But I like puzzlers, and it sounded like a neat premise. It just utterly failed to deliver. Funnily enough, after getting the game and being so disappointed by it, I went online looking for other opinions about it. The GS review was so spot on with the way I felt I started coming here more often when looking for reviews. So I guess something good came of it. When a friend of mine got a PSP, he commented that he had always wanted to try the game, so I gave it to him. He and I aren't friends anymore. I wonder if he held this game against me.....
Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness.(PS2) Always a big fan of the Tomb Raider franchise, I couldn't wait for the long delayed, highly anticipated sequel that would move the series forward from its 32 bit origins and fix the minor nuisances that had been in the previous titles. Unfortunately, I'll likely never know how good a story the game had because I've never been very far past the tutorial section. The new control scheme and abolutely evil camera made the game almost completely unplayable. I've gone back a couple times since, not wanting a game to sit there unplyed, but by the time I refamiliarize myself with the controls, I've also refamiliarized myself with why it sits on the shelf. It's just a joyless experience, and I've got too many options to force myself to cuss at the screen that much.
E.T. the Extra Terrestrial. (2600) Widely viewed as the beginning of the end of Atari's dominance, and often mentioned as the worst video game of all time, this game was made in five weeks... and it showed. Adapted from one of my favorite movies at the time, I couldn't wait for Xmas to come, knowing full well my parents wouldn't disappoint. And they didn't.... but the game did. When you have subpar graphics on the 2600, you're really skating on think ice. And slowing leveitating from endless pits with E.T.'s outstreched neck will haunt my dreams forever.... Created a lifelong disdain towards movie related games that (going by reviews) seems to have served me well.
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