Devil May Cry 4
Unreal Tournament III
Eternal Sonata
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I think one was called Seven Samurai or Samurai 7 for PS2, I forget (it was the worst, most repetitive, boring ps2 game i've ever played. I usually only play the bset or the most fun). Also, one of the hitmen games for ps2 was a terrible purchase. Started off in a Garden and never played it for more than 10 mins. Socom II I never played because I didn't have an online adapter. Played that single player campaign for 15 mins. Never played that again, it was boring/didn't appelal to me. There were so many more fun games out that were single player.
AC (360): I was on the hate it side
Souldiner x (or whateva it's called [psn]): just went crazy buying psn games that i thought looked cool
NG2: not even close to NG and black...I await sigma 2
UT3 (360+ps3): maybe oneday I'll get a strong enough pc then purchase ut3 for that also and regret it:(
Crast comet (psn): don't even play it. got like 3-4 similar games...
there's more but ....
1. All Pro Football 2k8 (PS3)
2. Far Cry Instincts Predertor(XBOX360)
3. The Sims 2 Apartment Life (PC)
4. Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)
5. Manhunt 2 (PS2)
1. Bionic Commando (Not a good game at all)
2. Condemned 2 (Condemned 1 was great, Condemned 2 is not.)
3. Infinite Undiscovery (Was fun, but not worth $60)
4. Warhammer 40,000: Squad Command (Such a bad TBS, and I had such hopes :( )
5. Warhammer 40,000: Firewarrior (Damn...I'm really a sucker for 40k games ain't I? I hope Space Marine is good!)
Worst games Ive ever owned
1) NBA Live 08 Wii. Look up gameplay on this game on youtube Im serious, the graphics and everything about it are worse than any game Ive played on the N64 or Ps1. It is far worse than Superman 64.
2)Superman 64. The rings wern't the worst part,it was the fact that the whole game was like one giant glitch.
3) NFL QB Club like 2003 or 2004( the only good thing about it was the QB competition)
4) Spiderman on Atari. I always thought this was some bad nightmare I had dreamed up from my early childhood, but youtube verifies it exists.
5) The Force unleashed. This game sucks and Im glad thatI only rented it.
oops Kirby's airide gets an honarable mention
Same here I try a lot of demos too. I mean even back when I was younger I would read game magazines. I do a lot of research before I buy anything even cheap products! I guess I'm just like that. I never blindly march into a store when I make a purchase. Even on the smallest most trivial item I scour google for information about which one is the "best bang for your buck". I'm sure there are others like me.None really, I usually do research on a game before I buy, I never buy day 1, I wait a couple of weeks for gamepaly vids, recommandations etc..
1. Spore 2. Assassins Creed 3. New Prince of Persia 4. Far cry instincts predator 5. My ds/ all games i bought for it
Call of Duty 3 (PS3) - The presentation of the campaign was just boring for me and multiplayer was dead.
The Darkness (PS3) - Borrring and could Jackie move any slower?
Splinter Cell Double Agent (PS3) - Didn't feel like Splinter Cell to me.
The Orange Box (PS3) - What can I say? It's the PS3 version.
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (PS) - I don't think this one needs an explanation.
The one that immediately came to mind was Rambo for the NES. I was a huge Rambo fan as a kid and that game cost about $80 at the time here in Canada. It was just bad.
Far cry 2, serious downgrade from the first one.
Mirrors edge- not fun at all mostly frustrating.
Street fighter 4- probably the most overhyped game I bought. Its supposed to be a sequel but feels more like a remake. I played this game for 2 weeks then never touched it again. Also the new characters are unappealling (except for C.Viper). Extra giggle physics for rufus FTL!!!!!!!!!!!!
FFX- The visuals were the only good thing for me. Way to linear, puzzles before entering a temple were annoying and the story was confusing.
GTA:SA- Been there done that, just add a bigger more complex sandbox world.
1. Mega Man Network Transmission: ...I liked the Battle Network series, so it seemed like a good idea at the time.
2. Resistance 2: Returned it after a few hours of play, half of which was spent in multiplayer. Kind of wishing that it would turn my mind on the alien killing FPS's out there... (except Halo. The universe kept me interested enough to play through the games even though I'm not a very big fan of FPS's.)
3. Xbox: Okay, I didn't actually buy this. I got it as a gift, and I accepted it out of courtesy. But seriously, I really only bothered playing Jet Set Radio Future, which came with it. And some Halo 2.
4. Dell XPS M1210: I like small laptops. I don't mind having a little extra power. It obviously didn't play games at top quality, but it managed a medium. This seemed to fit all of my prerequisites a couple years ago. Unfortunately, the machine had terrible heat management capabilities and overheated.
5. Macbook: First of all, I love my Macbook. It's a completely refreshing change from Windows Vista. Now, I obviously didn't get it for gaming, but it killed off my interest (and possibility) of any PC gaming.
1.Killzone 2: I absolutely hate this game! and I am a big PS3 fan but is the most overhyped peice of trash game I have EVER bought in my entire life
2. Gran Turismo 5: Prologue: Feels like I paid for a crapped down version of Gran Turismo 4 with some stupid hit detection crap/collision penalties/offroad penalties that ruins the game. Graphics are better than 4 but the gameplay is practically the same and I regret ever buying it.
3. TBA
2. TBA
1. TBA
1.Killzone 2: I absolutely hate this game! and I am a big PS3 fan but is the most overhyped peice of trash game I have EVER bought in my entire life
2. Gran Turismo 5: Prologue: Feels like I paid for a crapped down version of Gran Turismo 4 with some stupid hit detection crap/collision penalties/offroad penalties that ruins the game. Graphics are better than 4 but the gameplay is practically the same and I regret ever buying it.
3. TBA
2. TBA
1. TBA
I'm struggling to understand how counting works where you come from.
The only one that I can think of is Elite Beat Agents. It was a dumb impulse buy. I usually do my research.
5. Shadow the Hedgehog(xbox)- A cursing, gun totting emo hedgehog game... I should have known better.
4. Mobile Suit Gundam: Journey to Jaboro(PS2)- Who knew a giant robot game could be this bad
3. Zoids: Battle Legends(GCN)- copy and paste what I said about the Gundam game
2. Sonic the Hedgehog(2006)(PS2)- It may have only been twenty dollars but it's still one of the worst game I've ever played
1. Dragon Ball Z Ultimate battle 22(PS1) - Oh!! My eyes!! My ears!! What is this!?! It's an insult to the Dragon Ball franchise!!
1. Dead Rising (360)
Heard alot of good things about the game and it seemed fun but when i bought it i couldent torture my self with the boredome for more than 2h.
2. Far Cry 2 (ps3)
Do i really need to explain this?
3. The club (ps3)
Only played 5min offline and 5min online. The game is crap.
4. Rally games (ps2) (colin mcrae, WRC)
Bought several of the games and really dont know why because they where all boring and Colin Mcrae had crappy gameplay.
5. Gears of War (360)
My 360 broke my first copy of gears, made some real nice scratches to the disc so that it was unplayable online and more than half of the singleplayer.
Bought a new copy but sold my 360 pretty quick right after it.
Loved the singleplayer, online is broken, wasted money on the second copy.
1) BioShock: Collector's Edition (PC) ~ $80 ~ The only redeeming aspect of the game was the cool PVC figurine the CE came with. Everything else was just utter disappointment.
2) DJ MAX Portable Black Square (PSP) ~ $90 (import) ~ I paid a hefty sum for the game and when it turned up, it was far too easy and incredibly broken. It was nothing like P1 and P2 and felt like a major disappointment.
3) DJ MAX Fever (PSP) ~ $40 ~ It wouldn't have been a disappointment if it didn't have the "push any button to hit a note" feature that was in Black Square. Had it just been the straight remake of P1 + P2 without any BS features, it would have been the best DJ MAX.
4) Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops (PSP) ~ $30 ~ I bought it for the story, since I'm such a big Metal Gear fan... but the controls made the game unplayable. It was horrific. I do not know why the PSP is used for games DESIGNED to be on a console with a dual-analogue gamepad.
5) The Darkness (360) ~ $30 ~ Played the demo. Liked the demo. Started playing the game. Never finished. Just got boring, fast. I thought it was going to be good based on the demo and the fact its Starbreeze, but I was wrong.foxhound_fox
I completly agree. I bought it last summer for a road trip, and I am a HUGE MGS fan, and after 30 minutes of trying to force myself to get use to the controls, I couldn't take it any longer. I still feel bad for not finishing that game.
i don't make many mistakes in buying games but there have been a few that i've bought but hardly played, and may never do:
Banjo Nuts & Bolts (a love-it or hate-it game, i hated it; i just wanted old banjo platforming fun, but this was too radical and totally boring .. i barely lasted 30 mins! but at least i got the original banjo-kazooie free on XBLA!!)
MGS Portal Ops (didn't like the PSP controls, they were too awkward)
Mass Effect (supposedly a good game, but i could never get into it, though will try again at some point if i have the time)
Tomb Raider Underworld (i really liked Legends, and expected great things from this, but it just totally bored me and i have up half way through)
Super Paper Mario (gameplay started to get a bit long-winded and i gave up again, lol)
Pro Evo? (i get some joy playing them with friends, but recently i've felt ripped off because the changes aren't significant, yet i still need to have the up-to-date teams!)
Borza 2 (Forza 2) Sorry racing sim fans..... though it was a good sim.... it seems I don't enjoy racing sims anymore.
Metroid Prime 3, only because all 3 Primes are coming for the price of 1 this fall.
Super Street PUzzle Fighter or whatever its called on XBLA.... I couldnt even stand sticking with it long enough to figure it out, it just plain sucks imo.
World of Warcraft.... because I lost myself to it for so long, and I just wish I could get my time back. It nearly killed gaming as a hobby for me... as I now see all gaming as a complete waste of time, even though I still enjoy it. But WoW was the first game that had me stop and say "WTF AM I DOING THIS FOR"
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