@R4gn4r0k: Can you offer any evidence to support the majority of people care about accurate faction specific weapons? You're the one making the claim. I've already provided you with evidence against you, which you immediately dismissed because it badly hurts your argument. You can't just keep saying "show me the proof" without backing your own argument. You're not even arguing at this point, you're throwing a hissy fit.
We get it that you really like your faction specific and period accurate weapons, but the past 20 years of successful FPS games disagree with the notion that the average gamer cares about that. They seem to buy whatever they want without too much of a thought about the weaponry.
Even within a group of gamers I play simulation games like ArmA 2/3, IL-2, and other historically accurate military games, they don't care too much about CoD/Battlefield having Marines running around with AKs other than a comment how it's wrong and then they move on. They don't not purchase a game because of that.
You're getting all worked up against something that is ultimately one of the least important factors if a game is fun or not. It may be important to you, but so far you're the only one here who has made really big deal about it. I even started my commenting in this thread about how they are going to get the weapons wrong. This doesn't mean I'm not interested in the game, I'm just commenting. It just doesn't matter that much to me and doesn't prevent me from playing fun looking games.
So please, provide some evidence that the majority of people care. You've failed to provide any so far.
Hell I'll go as far as to say that most people don't even know about what weapons are period accurate and faction specific. Most people I've talked to about firearms, even avid guns owners, don't know shit about historical military firearms. It's funny on the gun range when I have one of my WWII rifles out, people are asking me "is that the Russian rifle" when I'm clearly using my K98. They just don't know or care that much. For video games, as long as the weapon looks like it fits the setting, they are happy.
You've also deflected from my point about what FPSs are popular and have come to some ridiculous conclusions while throwing this little temper tantrum of yours. The whole statement "According to your logic we should've never gotten different settings than modern warfare in our FPS" is absolutely absurd and isn't what I've said at all. I have no idea why you even came to that conclusion. It really just sounds like you're a frustrated toddler not getting your way when you say stupid shit like this.
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