I own a wii, DS, 3DS, and PS3.
Overall, this generation, the Wii was my favorite. It had great games without some of the unnecessary hassles of an HD twin or gaming PC. I played a ton of wii games and one of my favorite games from this gen is Super Mario Galaxy. However, the wii was constantly shafted in terms of multiplats, so there was always this sort of unnecessary reliance on exclusives to not be terrible. Also the online system was beyond ancient, and the wii controls for certain genres like FPS were slightly uncomfortable.
The DS was nice, although I rarely found good games to play on it. I think my most played game on the DS is either Brain Age. I know I'm a terrible sheep, but to be honest, I absolutely hated that thing. It was mildly uncomfortable to use, and it was hard to switch between touch and button controls because one hand always had to hold the stylus.
The 3DS isn't necessarily bad, it just causes me debilitating migraines if I see the 3D effect for longer than half an hour. Also, being the constantly moving person that I am, the 3D effect kept going in and out of focus. I also bought the thing at launch, so I essentially bought a $250 migraine machine.
The PS3 has recently become one of my favorite systems. It has a great online system, and a fairly comfortable controller. The dualshock is a natural controller for me because I've used one since the PS2 days. I also find myself in the rare position of actually enjoying many multiplats as well. The added bonus of it also being a blu-ray player was nice, as the PS3 makes a decent multimedia device as well. However, I dislike the mandatory installs and software updates of the PS3. I think it's because I'm used to the wii's style of boot up the system, put in a new disc and play the game almost immediately.
However, I don't really have a "favorite" console or handheld. They all have their pros and cons.
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