in my opinion, it was pretty weak. I recently got the chance to finish it since my brother loaned me his copy. up until this point, I had only gotten a about a third of the way done with the campaign. I recently finished the rest of the thing and I have to say that it was nothing amazing. in fact, I actually like Halo 3's campaign better and I thought that one was a step down from the first two games' campaigns. So, I dont see why many people view this game as the "magnum opus" of the franchise.
now, it wasnt a bad campaign (like ODST..... bleagh) but, in my opinion, it wasnt on par with most other big FPS games today like bulletstorm, killzone 2 or 3, battlefield 2, the modern warfare games, or even the first two halo games. I honestly expected the campaign in Halo reach to pick up later on and so I gave the game the benefit of the doubt (since so many people swear up and down that its the best of the franchise) and I gave it a 9/10 rating. now that I have completed it, I am seriously reconsidering that rating and will probably knock it down to an 8.5/10.
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