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Since you have a 60 gig, you should keep it, since it's discontinued with full BC, those things are like a collector's item of some sort. Get your wifey a Wii though.
If you want the exclusives then keep it. Metal gear, Final Fantasy, Resistance etc
I get all multiplats on Ps3 so it's the opposite for me
This has to be the best response I've seen in this thread so far.
Bottom line....look to the games. If you can get everything you want out of the 360, then dump it. If you want the exclusives that are coming for it, then hold onto it.
Since you have a 60 gig, you should keep it, since it's discontinued with full BC, those things are like a collector's item of some sort. Get your wifey a Wii though.
*runs into living room, packs up 60GB PS3 and stores in attic*. score...ill be rich in 20 years :P.
seriously...TC....look at the games coming up and the games on it. if the likes of MGS4 and team icos next game and LBP and FF13 arent interesting u then it might not be worth ure while keeping it. but look at the games coming and think really hard because of something comes out and u sold it then u will kick ureself silly.
at the mo im kinda in the same mostly playing PS2 games and FF7 on it and leaving it to do folding when im away. the only PS3 game im playing on it is uncharted. im not even interested in blu-ray to be honest. the reason i got it was the 60GB model was being phased out of europe and it was going really cheap at the time (500 euro for a 60GB model and 2 games is a pretty good deal imho). still im not trading it in because i know ill simply buy it again when the likes of team icos next project is out and LBP arrive and im sure there will be more surprises along the way that wont come to any other platform.
so yea blils down to games....look at release lists and reviews and then make a decision. if theres nothing there that gets ure fancy then theres probably little point in keeping it. if there is stuff though, even if its a year away, keep it.
why would you buy a PS3 and then get rid of it when all the good stuff is coming out? Honestly, I just don't understand threads like this.....MikeE21286
same here, this year is amazing for the ps3, MGS4, GT5, LBP, KZ2, tekken (I think).
you must be mad :|
Why did you buy a PS3 in the first place? This seems like a flaimbait to me and I can see why you got modded.l-_-l
First of all thank you, I don't know why I was modded for *trolling* just for asking this same question Here!!!. Secondly I own all three systems. The Wii is my kids and the PS3 (Which was a Christmas gift) is my blu-ray player at the moment & the 360 gets all of my gaming attention. I can't stand PSN because there's no friends list that carrys over from game to game like the 360, the in game chat function is crap and honestly there's no games I'd like to play Home is suppose to fix this and I'm really hoping that the PS3 gets out of its funk, but it just seam like it's gonna!I didn't like resistance but am interested in HAZE and Kill-Zone 2. My biggest quirk with the PS3 is I love the ease of the 360's interface and functionality and I just can't believe how the PS3 didn't pick up on this!
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