I can't decide. I already have a decent gaming PC, the weakest part of which is my old GTX780. And this month I have got my already hefty check plus a surprise bonus of 600CAD that burns my pocket to spend them on Christmas somehow.
The options are
1. PS4 with Bloodborne. So far, I want to play only a couple of PS4 games which are previously mentioned Bloodborne, Until Dawn, remakes of God of War that I never played and maybe a couple of other remasters like Final Fantasy X, XII. Anyway, I won't lose my sleep if I don't get to play them.
Where I live, PS4 is available at discount price of 360CAD, but no package is coming with Bloodborne. So with Bloodborne it will be 400CAD
2. GTX 980 TI, which has been discounted to 800CADs. My GTX780 still plays most games maxed at 1080p, but since my monitor is 1440p I hate to crack down resolutions on it to 1080p. Another factor is that I was patiently awaiting for new Pascal architecture, 16nm vs 28nm of GTX980 TI, which is coming in the mid of 2016, and obviously will completely destroy GTX900 series.
3. Your ideas.
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