The motion controls of the Wii and the plug in and play nature.
You can play the Wii online on the Wiimmfi server if you want.
Nice, good find. It'll be sad if Nintendo for some reason patched that.
If you get error code 60000 when connecting to Wiimmfi you might have to make a new online profile for a game to make it work. It would be sad if Nintendo patched it.
There were more great new IP's last gen for sure, as well as better sequels all around.
Portal and Portal 2 Red Dead Redemption Demon's Souls Dark Souls Dead Rising Halo 3 Gears Bioshock The Last of Us Uncharted Minecraft Batman Arkham Asylum and City Mass Effect Borderlands Alan Wake Fallout 3 and New Vegas Oblivion and Skyrim GTA 5 Mario Galaxy Donkey Kong Country Returns Twilight Princess
Nearly all of these franchises declined or are non-existent this gen.
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