depends on the price and the quality, if it is something ala. Broken Steel for Fallout 3 and Lost and Damned for GTA IV, then i am an absolute DLC whore :P
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[QUOTE="fenwickhotmail"]Good, I like developers taking money for something which should be in the original game.ShafftehrSo Shivering Isles and The Lost and the Damned should have been with the original game?... Keep in mind, there is more than horse armor to DLC. True, true, but most DLC i see is pathetic and should be included in the original game, esp seeing as this is one of the most expensive gens ever.
Depends on the DLC.
Usually, its terrible, nothing but the developers pulling **** out of the reject bucket, content that wasn't good enough to get the release game to be well received but excellent to get the fanboys to fork over 10 bucks for.
Other times its great. But usually, its either bad or really bad.
Where do people get this idea that you aren't getting the full gamein most/some cases? Some of the DLC is actually extra to what would have normally been released, not something always held back just to charge for later. :?
Well can you really blame people for it? How long did it take Bethesda to release the first expansions to Fallout? 1 month?
Its pretty obvious that a lot of the time developers have this content ready, know it can be included in the original game, but don't include it. I mean, its not like Bethesda didn't rake in enough money from Fallout. Did they really need to charge me 10 bucks for expansions that came out like, 1-2 months later?
And telling us that the "real ending" is part of the DLC is just cheap. The "real ending" should've been part of the actual game. I don't have any problem with the content, but sometimes, what they package should either come with the game or be free. Didn't Fable 2 get some free content? Why should I pay another 10 bucks for the "real ending" of a game I already paid 60 bucks for?
I think I deserve the "real ending" for free.
Why did you necro-bump this old thread? Start a new one if you wanna discuss DLC.I understand why people hate DLC, but what people always tend to forget is that making video games is a business. The game companies are out to make money. If you made a game and you knew you could make more money by releasing DLC wouldn't you do it.
Hmmm...let's see - paying for content that is already on the disc or paying for content that should have been in the game in the first place? Yeah, I hate DLC.
I like DLC, but only if it actually does something that's worth it to the game (ex: Any Borderlands DLC).
If its something like a Map Pack (ex: Stimulus Package) and its charged for too much, I'll stay away from it until the price drops, or it gets released for free.
I love DLC...As long as its worthwhile, If content is large, or well made then I have absolutely no problem paying for it well made content extends the life of the game makes it better.
how do you know you used to get the full game. often parts of games are cut due to deadline or game exceeding budgets. without the option of DLC this content is just binned and you never got to see it. at least now you have the CHOICE to play this content which may never of been seen/played also games cost much more to make and developers and publishers are keen to see a return from there hard work DLC give them another revenue stream, you can't blame them for wanting to make a profit and feed there kids. of course there is bad DLC, but at least now we have the CHOICEso no we are getting our games drop by drop, we pay 60$ then 10$ them another 10$....those damn companies are sucking our money, and you costumers are letting them, no you are asking them to, gamers are now asking developers to make DLC for the games b4 they are even out, how stupid is that?? we deserve to have our full games, i miss those days when we had our full games at day 1, no complaints.
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