Something that isnt going to be a Natal product is what i want.
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Something that isnt going to be a Natal product is what i want.
I agree, if they did use it Id want controller support too.
Banjo Threeie (a proper sequal to Banjo Tooie) and Conker's Bad Fur Day 2 (Not Live and Reloaded that was a remake and Microsoft had them censor it)
If Rare makes these I will have to buy a new 360 just to play them.
According to Wiki, they do.[QUOTE="Hahadouken"]I don't think Rare owns the IP for Killer Instinct. mitu123
they own it, the only IP's they dont own are goldeneye Donkey Kong and Starfox. everything originally developed within there studios is still theres.
According to Wiki, they do.[QUOTE="mitu123"]
[QUOTE="Hahadouken"]I don't think Rare owns the IP for Killer Instinct. dragonfly110
they own it, the only IP's they dont own are goldeneye Donkey Kong and Starfox. everything originally developed within there studios is still theres.
That's sweet, I guess that's why I saw KI names on bots in Perfect Dark Zero, copies of KI3 in Conker Live and Reloaded and Banjo Kazooie Nuts N Bolts, KI pinatas in Viva Pinata Trouble in Paradise, etc.According to Wiki, they do.[QUOTE="mitu123"]
[QUOTE="Hahadouken"]I don't think Rare owns the IP for Killer Instinct. dragonfly110
they own it, the only IP's they dont own are goldeneye Donkey Kong and Starfox. everything originally developed within there studios is still theres.
Nintendo should die for a day so Goldeneye can be distributed by Activision:(
[QUOTE="mitu123"] According to Wiki, they do.
they own it, the only IP's they dont own are goldeneye Donkey Kong and Starfox. everything originally developed within there studios is still theres.
That's sweet, I guess that's why I saw KI names on bots in Perfect Dark Zero, copies of KI3 in Conker Live and Reloaded and Banjo Kazooie Nuts N Bolts, KI pinatas in Viva Pinata Trouble in Paradise, etc.yea lol that would more then likely be the reason :P
That's sweet, I guess that's why I saw KI names on bots in Perfect Dark Zero, copies of KI3 in Conker Live and Reloaded and Banjo Kazooie Nuts N Bolts, KI pinatas in Viva Pinata Trouble in Paradise, etc.[QUOTE="mitu123"]
they own it, the only IP's they dont own are goldeneye Donkey Kong and Starfox. everything originally developed within there studios is still theres.
yea lol that would more then likely be the reason :P
It's like there's a KI reference in every 360 Rare game. This could mean..:oRare pretty much spat in the face of the Banjo-kazooie fanbase. What makes you think that they won't do it again with PD besides sales which means damn-diddely-squat to them based on their thoughts on Nuts & Bolts' financial reception. I'm hoping they would learn from that, if not, PD is doomed! Here's the thing about Rare; Their both stubborn & secretive, which are pretty bad traits to have this Generation. But, I DO hope that Rare would learn, which MIGHT be possible with Peter M. and the rest of Microsoft (I'm pretty sure that their pissed at Rare for Nuts & Bolts, which might explain the tighter leash). If they don't learn, then Perfect Dark, Conker, etc are royally ****ed.[QUOTE="gmc2u_64"]
[QUOTE="mitu123"] Seeing how well PD XBLA did, I don't see the point of changing the forumla, plus Nuts N Bolts is the only game where it was very different from previous games, they could at least make it 3rd person if they were to change it, but to have a different genre would be absurd and they need the PD fanbase too.
I'm hoping they would learn from that, if not, PD is doomed! Here's the thing about Rare; Their both stubborn & secretive, which are pretty bad traits to have this Generation. But, I DO hope that Rare would learn, which MIGHT be possible with Peter M. and the rest of Microsoft (I'm pretty sure that their pissed at Rare for Nuts & Bolts, which might explain the tighter leash). If they don't learn, then Perfect Dark, Conker, etc are royally ****ed.[QUOTE="mitu123"]
[QUOTE="gmc2u_64"] Rare pretty much spat in the face of the Banjo-kazooie fanbase. What makes you think that they won't do it again with PD besides sales which means damn-diddely-squat to them based on their thoughts on Nuts & Bolts' financial reception.
I still dont get how your saying theyd be mad at them for nuts and bolts, its not like it was a complete failure, in the first few months of its release it sold around550K.
I gotta feeling we're gonna see Banjo and Natal integrated together, should be very interesting.-RocBoys9489-Well, it better also be compatible with the 360 Controller if it's like the first two Banjo-Kazooie games (I mean, wouldn't it akward if you're in a postition with Kazooie shooting eggs out of her ass?).
Well, it better also be compatible with the 360 Controller if it's like the first two Banjo-Kazooie games (I mean, wouldn't it akward if you're in a postition with Kazooie shooting eggs out of her ass?).[QUOTE="-RocBoys9489-"]I gotta feeling we're gonna see Banjo and Natal integrated together, should be very interesting.gmc2u_64
I now wanna get this game just for the awkward looks I get when Im playing in that position :P
then again if its like tooie youd never use it anyways, youd just aim the eggs
Well, it better also be compatible with the 360 Controller if it's like the first two Banjo-Kazooie games (I mean, wouldn't it akward if you're in a postition with Kazooie shooting eggs out of her ass?).[QUOTE="gmc2u_64"]
[QUOTE="-RocBoys9489-"]I gotta feeling we're gonna see Banjo and Natal integrated together, should be very interesting.dragonfly110
I now wanna get this game just for the awkward looks I get when Im playing in that position :P
then again if its like tooie youd never use it anyways, youd just aim the eggs
All of this Banjo-Kazooie talk makes me want Banjo-Threeie even more! I just want it to happen at e3, but that's only a snowballs chance in hell, which meakes mw VERY sad. :([QUOTE="dragonfly110"]
[QUOTE="gmc2u_64"] Well, it better also be compatible with the 360 Controller if it's like the first two Banjo-Kazooie games (I mean, wouldn't it akward if you're in a postition with Kazooie shooting eggs out of her ass?).
I now wanna get this game just for the awkward looks I get when Im playing in that position :P
then again if its like tooie youd never use it anyways, youd just aim the eggs
All of this Banjo-Kazooie talk makes me want Banjo-Threeie even more! I just want it to happen at e3, but that's only a snowballs chance in hell, which meakes mw VERY sad. :(someone should just get the source code from a random PC platformer and make one out of that :P I'd do it but I know next to nothing about development, all I know is C++ and Im not even good at that.
All of this Banjo-Kazooie talk makes me want Banjo-Threeie even more! I just want it to happen at e3, but that's only a snowballs chance in hell, which meakes mw VERY sad. :([QUOTE="gmc2u_64"]
I now wanna get this game just for the awkward looks I get when Im playing in that position :P
then again if its like tooie youd never use it anyways, youd just aim the eggs
someone should just get the source code from a random PC platformer and make one out of that :P I'd do it but I know next to nothing about development, all I know is C++ and Im not even good at that.
You know, if Nintendo was able to make Super Mario Galaxy 1&2 on the Wii, who knows what rare can do with Banjo-Threeie on the 360. Rare, PLEASE make Banjo-Threeie happen! PLEASE!!!Maybe XBL arcade titles but nothing next gen.
Rare stated that they would never make another conker 2. They said they aren't completely against revisiting the universe of conker, but if they were going to make another game, they would kill off conker right at the start.
I want banjo-threeie, but the gotta make sure that if they do it, they do it right. I think they realize this.
a. Well **** Rare up the ass then. :evil:Rare stated that they would never make another conker 2. They said they aren't completely against revisiting the universe of conker, but if they were going to make another game, they would kill off conker right at the start.
I want banjo-threeie, but the gotta make sure that if they do it, they do it right. I think they realize this.
b. If only it was as simple as that, my friend. But Rare is too stuborn to the point that they thought that Nuts & Bolts was the RIGHT way of making BK3, which it most certainly wasn't.
Chris Seavor was only joking when he stated Conker would be killed in the beginning of the game. He spilled the beans on a possible sequel that wasnt green lighted by Microsoft.Rare stated that they would never make another conker 2. They said they aren't completely against revisiting the universe of conker, but if they were going to make another game, they would kill off conker right at the start.
I want banjo-threeie, but the gotta make sure that if they do it, they do it right. I think they realize this.
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