Only scrubs want mouse and keyboard on consoles for all shooters. They want it because they suck too bad to hang with better mouse users on PC, but know they will have an edge on lower to mid tier controller users. No one wants this except for punks that can't win any other way. (As far as games that it doesn't give the user an edge? Sure... make them all compatible) Now that I have my old man rant out of the way....
I want them to stop with all this remake bs... just make new games. Also, bring back SOCOM (a new one that doesn't suck like 4), and block anyone who tries to use a mouse... hell, brick their console. lol.
It's not that I can't hang against them, it's just that I shouldn't have to. It takes the competitive edge out of console gaming. The great thing about consoles to me is that everyone was on the same playing ground with the same input device. Times are changing, and they are changing for the worse. If all games natively support mouse and keyboard there will be absolutely no reason at all for consoles to even exist.
Stop trying to change shit you turds.. lol
I would like 60 fps or higher to be standard, draw distance to be higher, less pop up/in/out, consoles to have dual audio support built in to adjust mic volume and game volume directly in the settings, faster load times, less loading areas, SONY to add a preview program, Nintendo to release Mario Maker 2, How about a KotOR 3 for Xbox, SOCOM 5 for PS5, less noisy consoles, cooler running, and for all three (or more?) to push the bar in order for the other big 3 to push back.
Also, I know this is a pipedream, but revive the middle man. I mean the mid tier producers and devs that are all but dead these days. Find a way.. make it happen.
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