Halo Infinite 8K 120 fps. lol :P
Only scrubs want mouse and keyboard on consoles for all shooters. They want it because they suck too bad to hang with better mouse users on PC, but know they will have an edge on lower to mid tier controller users. No one wants this except for punks that can't win any other way. (As far as games that it doesn't give the user an edge? Sure... make them all compatible) Now that I have my old man rant out of the way....
No, I want it because I feel crippled with a controller in console shooters. It's undeniable that analog sticks are terrible for aiming. I've still not subscribed to PlayStation Plus on my PS4. Multiplayer should be free, so I refuse. I mainly want this for single player games, especially with aiming mechanics playing such a big role in most PS4 games now.
Graphics have come so far...but AI still sucks. I would so give up a generation of graphical advances to focus on that dumb as bricks AI. It's 20 fucking 18, come on.
This is what I'd like for next gen.
More first party devs to create more first party games.
A better network.
Some multiplayer online games.
A better controller.
Some BC would be nice.
A console that doesn't look like erasers glued together.
Better wi-fi card.
Jet engine noise delete.
A better controller. (Added again for emphasis).
Roach baits to come with Console.
Exclusives that either cost $30 or take longer than 15 hrs to completely bored of.
PS Now to be free. Why charge for trash?
An exclusive that doesnt consist of hiding in bushes, climbing, walking, or qte's. Good luck!
Less stability updates.
Gamertag name change. It's getting pathetic.
No blinky blinky lights on controller.
A decent First Person Shooter.
That about covers it.
1. End companies trying to overmilk customers for money with loot boxes, dlc, and their other bs.
2. Remove SJW influence and making things PC just for the sake of being PC.
3. Bring back single player and couch coop.
4. Stop copycat trends, not everything needs to be a battle royal or a loot shooter.
5. Some orginal games/ideas. Cod4 modern warfare was awesome. COD24 isn't. Gears of War, Mass Effect, and Halo were awesome when they were new ips. They have gotten stale.
more focus on gameplay, less focus on tech. More specifically, less focus on dick-measuring-via-tech. I like competition, but it has to be the right kind of competition.
And while I don't really give a damn about consoles, but it'd be pretty incredible if they made the next gen consoles backwards compatible to the original system, i.e. you could play PS1 games on your PS5, and so on.
Only scrubs want mouse and keyboard on consoles for all shooters. They want it because they suck too bad to hang with better mouse users on PC, but know they will have an edge on lower to mid tier controller users. No one wants this except for punks that can't win any other way. (As far as games that it doesn't give the user an edge? Sure... make them all compatible) Now that I have my old man rant out of the way....
No, I want it because I feel crippled with a controller in console shooters. It's undeniable that analog sticks are terrible for aiming. I've still not subscribed to PlayStation Plus on my PS4. Multiplayer should be free, so I refuse. I mainly want this for single player games, especially with aiming mechanics playing such a big role in most PS4 games now.
Yeah, sure man. I have no problem with all console games being compatible with m/kb on campaign modes or single player games. I just don't want it mixed into the multiplayer. I just prefer using a controller, but also know that over time if the option to use a mouse is there that more and more people will take the "if you can't beat it, join it" approach... I just don't want that to happen. I mean.. I get that a LOT of players are already using mouse on consoles... It isn't hard when places like Walmart and Gamestop sell devices that trick the console into THINKING you are using a controller. That said, perhaps I am stubborn, but I didn't get as good as I did on the sticks over the years just to have kids popping up with mouse and keyboard driving away other controller users.
I know it's a losing battle for me, but I guess when the day comes that controllers are all but obsolete.. well, I guess that's the day I'm a pure retro gamer.
I'd love for all three consoles to be portable like the switch.
That's what mobile phones are for.
What I want the most? Everything comming to the PC so there is no need to buy weak boxes because games are locked behind them. Or at least some actually decent consoles that the gap isn't as big as this gen.
Already happening.
Xbox Play Anywhere
Switch weak hardware emulation
Difficult to say. I'm bored to tears with SP linear games with very few exceptions, and tend to spend 90% of my time playing MP. I'd love to see more large scale tactical games .... ww3 looks promising, but its likely going to be an inferior BF4. I'm assuming next gen consoles from Sony and MS will be true 4k at close to 60fps, so graphically I don't think theres going to be much of a gap from what we have today, but better CPUs will improve games exponentially.
I'm also sick of constant updates, so that needs to improve, or the delivery method does... and I'd expect MS to do a Gamepass/Live bundle.
Not really sure what else I'd want, as I'm currently pretty happy with the status quo.
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