[QUOTE="ironcreed"]If you only game on HD consoles, it certainly would appear that way. There aren't that many games, and the variety isn't large enough to mask the feeling that for every Heavy Rain, there's a bunch of Ratchets and Clanks. Taken holistically, however, this is not true of this gen. More than ever, there have been games that focus on gameplay and game design over graphical prowess. I'm talking, of course, of the Wii scene, and the indie scene on PSN, XBL, and PC. World of Goo looks great, and sounds great, but you can't deny that much of the effort in that game went into game design. Plants Vs. Zombies, same. If you focus your view only on the things games media direct you to, then you will get taken down the tourist path. That's to be expected. If you want to get to the really good stuff, you gotta be willing to explore a bit off the beaten path.Well, there have been many games with both terrible and great reviews that I have enjoyed immensely. From this perspective, I guess it is about like any other gen. However, I do find that gaming is indeed better than it ever has been in terms of what is possible today. That is something that I think we all can appreciate.
On the downside, there also seems to be an increase of flash over substance as well. Don't get me wrong, I love playing in HD and I appreciate when a game has gorgeous visuals as much as anyone. I just see that many devs and gamers alike seem to be losing sight of the core of a game itself in favor of making a game as flashy as possible. Face it, this 'GrApHiCs KiNg' nonsense is worse than it ever has been as well, taking the focus off of the the game itself entirely.
You can make a game ultra-polished, loaded with dazzling special effects and gorgeous visuals and man that sure is great on the surface. However, if the game itself beneath all that jazz is lacking, then what do you have? A beautiful, but empty to half full shell, that's what. I'll take substance, character, challenge and charm over shallow, mega budget flash any day.
Don't get me wrong, I love my fair share of the mega budget hype train games and there are many more I am anticipating. I just mean that there seems to be a shift to flash over substance in general. Add in the growing trend of a DLC driven market and this gen is indeed a double edged sword of sorts. I am indeed enjoying the advancement in what is possible, though. No doubt about that.
Oh, but I do go off the beaten path, but I do enjoy many of the mega releases as well. My main point was that the focus of the market in general (much of the so called 'core' market included) has seen a shift in flash over substance more so than ever. Of course there are always the obscure, under the radar titles and the niche, cult classics and I do my share of gem hunting there as well.
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