Actually Digital Foundry said that looks as good as the best PC and has far better lighting than PC
PC also scores easy wins in terms of shadow quality and the number of them being rendered dynamically. Effects work doesn't just benefit from higher-precision buffers, but also from physically higher resolution: performance-sapping alpha effects such as smoke, fog and particles are clearly running at a lower res on the Xbox 360, with intersecting geometry often showing some noticeable jaggies.
As you might expect, from a nuts-and-bolts technical perspective, there are some easy wins for the PC: for a start, texture quality and filtering is generally in another league altogether compared to the Xbox 360 game.
Texture and geometry pop-in and draw distance also show clear advantages on PC, as you would expect.
- and based on how good the 360 release looks, the PC Enhanced Edition should be something truly special.
They compared the original PC version against the enhanced 360 version and the PC still one.
So now you can stop being a liar.
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