Something as polished and well made as RDR2.
RDR2 is very polished sure. but its not well made.
its mission design is perfect example how not to make it.
Something as polished and well made as RDR2.
RDR2 is very polished sure. but its not well made.
its mission design is perfect example how not to make it.
I really hope that Squadron 42 releases this year and that it actually delivers. i really do hope that the devs pull it off.
on a somewhat related note: i also hope that either the SmachZ is properly released or that someone else pulls it off. GPD also have an interesting new device coming out (their current offerings just dont quite hit the mark imho) and Alienware had a prototype that looked pretty cool. I would love a handheld gaming PC.
i dont know if monolithsoft will release anything this year but i just hope they get back on form after XC2.
Give me Dead Rising 5 starring Frank West. I absolutely love the series. Capcom doesn't even have to try something new. Just give me a half decent story, loads of zombies, a minigun and that crazy humor, and I'll be more than happy.
Or a Dino Crisis reboot. Should be scary and similar in style to the FIRST game in the series. Capcom has rebooted tons of their franchises, so why not Dino Crisis? Were sales poor on the PS1???
When it comes to these types of threads a new Chrono game will always be at the top of my wish list. Would love to see a new Final Fight game as well.
+1 for new Chrono game
I would also really appreciate a remaster of Chrono Cross with up-res background images. That game is beautiful.
I'd kinda like to see more Pokemon remasters on the Switch or some more 90's remasters, Perhaps Megaman Legend or the Ace Combat Zero.
I'd also love to see Digimon World Next Order come to the PC, not a new game persay but given my dream games tent to be remasters, well...*shugs*
A remake of Condemned: Criminal Origins or a Condemned 3.
Man I miss this series I would love for it to comeback.
@i_p_daily: when your only decent game on Xbox is a racing game you know you the library sucks ass. Must be rough pompoming for MS LOL!!
Are you still damage controlling, just admit you got fucked up, learn from it and move on cow alt.
Same thing as every year, a great new SOCOM game with old school gameplay and new school options, pass, cash shop, etc. I'm also always hoping to get a new Breath of Fire game like 2 or 3. There are so many others I could list but those are at the top.
I don't think EA even has the rights to KOTOR anymore. I believe they were planning to make a KOTOR 3, but that fell through and that's what inspired them to create Mass Effect so they could continue that style of gameplay with an IP they have full rights to. I do believe the KOTOR 3 canon though was integrated into one of the character stories for SWTOR, the MMO based on the KOTOR games, and even has appearances and references to the events of KOTOR, even including an appearance by Revan.
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