I love Halo CE's shield and health bar system. It made sense and gave you a chance in multiplayer. In CS, there are so many times you come across P90 sprayers who manage to down your armour and get you horribly, horribly injured before the real shootouts even begin. Then a quick pistol burst just takes you out of the fight.
In Halo, you could take on a bunch of guys, fight your way out of it (with some well placed shots and a couple of grenades) and still be ready to win another fight afterwards, assuming you don't get blindsided by the other guy. Excluding plasma pistol + BR from Halo 2 and 3, you had to find the right weapon combo in order to down a shield, then shred through the healthbar underneath. Plasma rifles were great in Halo: CE because they downed the shield fast and had a slowing effect, but the rate of fire makes it crap to take in a large battle. You needed something like an assault rifle or shotgun to finish it.
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