I have to laugh every time I hear Final Fantasy X. I'm sorry, but not even Pokemon, Paper Mario, Fire Emblem, Mario & Luigi, and such can even come close to beating ToonTown. You play those games for the story, and the majority of people spend only about 50 hours on each. ToonTown offers upwards of 2000hours of pure gameplay. There's really no story in ToonTown; everyone plays for the combat (and maybe a few side activities for the younge crowd).
ToonTown obliterates every other turn-based battle system. The standard attack buttons are used far too often in other turn-based games. Final Fantasy X, for example, does have you occasionally summoning an Aeon or something, but you far too often use the standard "Attack" button. Not only does solo-ing in ToonTown add a new dimension to the gameplay, but the fact that you have to work with three other teammates adds a lot more depth to it. You have to coordinate your teammates with what you are doing. One wrong move by one single player can completely**** over the whole team (using sound on lured cogs, for example), as long as you are fighting the level cogs you should be fighting at your level.
The entire game almost forces you to be with teammates, but once you max out everything, get a few SOSs, Unites, and Pink Slips, you can start solo-ing the bosses. Literally, only a few people have ever done this. Even after investing 2000 hours, you'll still havea hard time.
Anyway, what say you? Best turn-based battle system.
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