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My girlfriend really isn't a gamer, but she loves GH and collecting and shooting starbits while I play Galaxy.( she can't get past the first level by herself though.) She also likes some old school titles.skingusGH and SingStar are shoe-ins for chicks.
My wife is currently playing Overlord on our 360. I believe she's almost got it beat.
She also likes the Guitar Hero series, Kingdom Hearts, GTA, Dead Rising, Singstar, Viva Pinata, some racing games, and she's a big fan of Xbox Live Arcade games.
She doesn't like FPS, which is my cup of tea. I was able to get her to play Gears of War with me for about an hour. She said she sucks at those type of games, and refuses to play them anymore. :lol:
My wife loves to collect starbits while I play Super Mario Galaxy and Lego Star Wars co-op has been a real blast, she loves it.
Also Super Mario Party 8 and Buzz for the PS2.
[QUOTE="skingus"]My girlfriend really isn't a gamer, but she loves GH and collecting and shooting starbits while I play Galaxy.( she can't get past the first level by herself though.) She also likes some old school titles.FrozenLiquidGH and SingStar are shoe-ins for chicks.
Now my wife is bugging me to get American Idol Encore for the 360. She discovered Singstar on the PS2 not that long ago, then she said it would be nice if they had a karaoke game on the 360 so you can download extra songs, like GH.
My girlfriend can't stand video games. She refused to let our son play them when he gets older. I don't see that happening since I play them 4+ hours a day.Just_Osmo
You need to update your sig.
Giants beat the unbeatable team! :lol:
My wife likes the Wii. We played Warioware, Wii Sports, Wii Play, Brain Age, Tiger Woods 08, and trauma centre. She used to play games a lot when she was younger but stopped around the PS1 days when gaming jumped to 3D. So she still likes to play the old 2d games...the Marios, Sonics, and even older style games like Ms. Pacman and the like. So as long as it is a fun game that doesn't involve 3D action she will usually give it a shot, or play a lot if she likes it. Oh! And we play games like Guitar Hero together too.
She will also watch me play certain games like Uncharted and Heavenly Sword, Tomb Raider, God of War, Shadow of Colossus, etc. She hates watching RPGs and Assasin's Creed because of all the horse riding.
My girlfriend grew up playing games with her family who always owned Nintendo consoles. She was never "really" into games but she has played Mario, Mario Party, Zelda, Animal Crossing, etc. Her family (dad mainly) are quite avid gamers owning a Nintendo 64, Gamecube, Wii, and 4 DSs.
At the house we don't have access to so many Nintendo consoles, but we still enjoy games together. Recently we've been enjoying Viva Pinata and Loco Roco Cocorocho together. There's a free sodoku game called Go! Sodoku that I got for her and she really seems to enjoy, She has also made ..... 5-6 characters in Oblivion and she finally made it out of the sewers on her last attempt.
Oh, and the rule of thumb is FPS = no.
[QUOTE="Erkidu"]My fiance loves Mario Party 8 and WiiSports. On the DS, she likes Nintendogs and Animal Crossing. Oh, and she's 22, BTW.HarlockJC
My wife is the same and she is 27, then again we use to play MK when we were dating.
kinda brutal game for dating man :D Hehe...
[QUOTE="HarlockJC"][QUOTE="Erkidu"]My fiance loves Mario Party 8 and WiiSports. On the DS, she likes Nintendogs and Animal Crossing. Oh, and she's 22, BTW.AzatiS
My wife is the same and she is 27, then again we use to play MK when we were dating.
kinda brutal game for dating man :D Hehe...
LOL.....Yeah but it nice when you can place betts on what you win. My wife has not played anything like that in a long time. She plays mini games on the Wii with me and that about it now. She use to play Nintendogs "I even got her the rare Nintendog DS" and Animal Crossing but she does not even do that any more.
My current gf hates video gaming, but my last gf we loved playing Diddy Kong Racing & Mario Kart DS together...she really didn't get much into other games though. Girls don't seem to get into much gamin' unfortunately. Metroidfan2K
My girl loves Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, Okami, Legend of Zeld (the cartoony one), and RE:UC.
[QUOTE="AgentA-Mi6"]Mine uses something similar to a joystick I have and she has a lot of fun with it, But its not related to gaming though.
LOL! :lol:
I don't even invite my girlfriends to come to my house and play PS3 that would be stupid, and I don't even have a spare controller for her to play with :oops:
[QUOTE="Neon_Knight2"]Did you guys know the Metroidfan2K is a pedophile? Just ask him what he did.Metroidfan2K
I'm not a pedo. Besides that was last year anyways, my current gf is around my age, 14.
Ok, you're not a pedophile. You raped her, you were both below the age of consent. You were 14 and she was 11. If something happened last year it doesn't mean it didn't happened.
I'm not 14, I'm 15, my current gf is 14.
And I didn't rape anyone, rape is forced sex, we both agreed to it
We like to play the Rusty Trombone. Sometimes Hide the Sausage.billyforde
nice the rusty trombone made me lol and puke at the same time.
I'm not 14, I'm 15, my current gf is 14.
And I didn't rape anyone, rape is forced sex, we both agreed to it
Alright, you are 15 but last year you were 14.
She was under the age of consent, she couldn't legally agree to sex.
me and the girly both own guitar hero 2 and 3 so i play that down hers. We play wii sports, mario party etc as well
[QUOTE="---OkeyDokey---"]I'm surprised so many poeple on system wars have girlfriends :shock: unless you're all lying :lol: :P-wii60-
I was only joking :P
My girl doesn't like videogames in the slighest.
Kinda hard sometimes, and a shame. :(
She played Nintendogs for a small while though.Sgt_Crow
My wife is the same man. She's always on my case about playing games. Which is why I got her girly games(Dance Rev.) to shut her up. Among other things 8)
My girlfriend really liked Viva Pinata and Twilight Princess.
I don't show her cool games anymore, because she uses my systems to play them. And I don't like to share. :P
My girlfriend doesn't play games in general. But being a Kindergarten teacher, her students actually told her about the Wii and eventually she bought one. She and I enjoy it (Wii sports) from time to time (when we're in the mood to play). But even now, she doesn't really game that much, nor considers herself to be an avid gamer.
I personally don't have any interest in the Wii, unless my girlfriend and I are together or with friends.
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