@MirkoS77: my god the chapter with the sniper was a challenge on Grounded. It got to the point where I couldn't play Left Behind because I was so sick of the single player due to how often I got stuck.
Multiplayer was a great challenge in that game too, I'll buy the sequel for more multiplayer like that. Hopefully they won't change it
Well, you could've hid in that house, and see if that helps.
Seriously though, on grounded there were many parts I found infuriating and had to rage quit on occasion. The hospital most notably, you just have to book it past all the guards as there's nowhere near enough supplies to put up a sustained fight. I finished grounded, but think survivor is around the best overall difficulty to meld gameplay and narrative perfectly.
Don't have PSN+, so never got into MP but I hear it's great.
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