I've been kind of out of the loop for a bit.. Is Diablo III not good? What I've heard from my friends recently though they were really into it. But I guess it doesn't surprise me. Is it just kind of safe and boring?
Oh And to answer the question. War Games for the colecovision. Doesn't make any sense.
The game is designed around pushing sales through the RMAH (which Blizzard gets 15-30% of your sale).Items/stats:
For a game that's supposed to focus around 'items', there sure are a complete and utter lack of any fun/interesting ones. Nothing silly, no novelty, just stats. And those stats are utterly boring; you have a few primary stats that you dare not deviate from and 95% of all of your damage comes from your weapon alone. Also, the useful item drop rate is absurdly low, I spent 4 hours farming in act4 Inferno and found 1 upgrade, 1. And it wasn't even that big of one either, and most of the gear I had was from the Hell difficulty, clearly you're supposed to just farm the AH(or RMAH)
It's not a difficult game, it's a cheap one. Raising the difficulty only increases the amount of health and damage that a normal enemy puts out, and the rare/elites just gain an extra affix. It's incredibly lazy, for a game that has been in development for the better part of a decade... There's not much you can dodge, so you either have to have utterly absurd gear to soak the damage, or you have to just blow them up quickly enough to not die. And by the time you have enough gear to either destroy rare/elites or survive them, you basically one shot the normal mobs, removing any gameplay that they'd provide.
Blizzard promised diversity in builds, but in reality there is only 1 way to play the game, and you only have minor choices within it; you can't play as a melee Wizard, even though they have melee abilities... The randomness of the levels isn't very good, often you know exactly where to go, even in the "random" levels, since certain areas are 'always' in some direction (almost always North, how creative).
Chris Metzen should put down the crayons, and allow a real writer to write for Blizzard games. It's abysmal, and it's lazy too! (reoccurring theme of Diablo3)Each class has specific dialogue for walking around and randomly talking, but they have no different writing when talking to your minions or during the story cutscenes so they lose all their 'character'. The villains that should serve as a plot twist are so poorly written that the second you meet them you'll know that they will betray you later. The Lord of Lies is a horrible liar, the Lord of Sin/Strategy is abysmal at strategy...
Some of this may be fixed by now, doubt much, but I've not bothered playing it since a few weeks/month after release.
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