Horror genre is one of my favorite, both in movies and games. I like stories where stakes are high, and that's the reason why I prefer stories based on Sci, Fantasy, Disaster and Horror instead of Realism of present day. Now I don't hate them, and try to experience everything that entertainment medium has to offer but when given a choice, I prefer to experience stories that have at least a little bit of Sci Fi/Fantasy/Disaster/Horror twist.
So, it's no surprise that just like a lot of other people out there, I love to play horror games. Throughout my gaming years, I've played number of horror games and watch several movies,,, and observed them closely. There are a lot of elements that make a good horror game like good sound quality, creepy soundtrack, atmosphere,,, you know the usual stuff.
But I think the most important element is the lore and/or the story. If we look back and observe best horror games in the game industry, we can see that most of the critically acclaimed horror games have good stories, likable characters and background stories.
The lore IMO really brings the game's world to life, and makes it more believable. Background stories and legends told by the locals stay with you throughout the game, and make the game more scary. Even if the story is more grounded and doesn't feature the most over the top monsters of all time, due to good lore, even an ordinary enemy becomes pretty scary and the title becomes a genuine horror game.
A level about which you have had heard rumors from the locals and read about its creepy past in books, becomes a lot more scary because you know what you are getting into when you finally enter that level. This is something that big ass monsters in latest Resident Evil games can not provide. The blood, guts and jump scares don't stay with you, and don't make the game more creepy. What makes the game more creepy is a good atmosphere, good story and flawless execution.
System Shock 2's graphically outdated, simple and ugly looking enemies and empty corridors are way more scarier than blood and gore of latest Resident Evil games. Silent Hill 2 is way more creepier than Doom 3. I think that's because of good story and lore that brings the game's world to life, along with strong atmosphere and strong direction.
These elements can make even a non horror game pretty creepy. Shalebridge Cradle in Deadly Shadows is good example of that. Same goes for Half Life 2, where you are told that no one goes to Ravenholm because of xyz reasons. And when you finally arrive in that area, things become even more intense.
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