[QUOTE="DXGreat1_HGL"]Don't get you started because you can't come up with a concise argument as to why it;s worse because of the price.
siigh... oh please...
just tell me how is paying $50/YR better than FREE just to play online; i mean, you're already getting charged for your internet and still you're getting charged for playing online...? ygtbfkm..
since i've been here, no lemms have come up with a justified reasonable answer on why people should catch every drop of milk that MS splashes and still come here to defend it.
Live should be free. I can understand that Freedom isn't..., but LIVE??
btw fyi, i maybe poor but i'm smart at $$$
Case in point. If you would have ever played online on both, you would clearly see that XBL is the far syperior online experience. Live is obviously more structered then PSN. If you tried both you know, Like i stated before, the people the golf on public access cources try to convince everyone its better then golfing on pro level cources.
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