I'm not anti-Nintendo, I'm opposed to the Wii. That doesn't mean I think games like Metroid Prime 3 are bad simply because they're on the Wii, nor does it mean I won't buy a system that Nintendo puts out that meets my needs.
Also, GUFU does not represent the manticore point-of-view at all, it represents a union of intelligent posters - there is quite a world of difference. You wouldn't call me a manticore, would you?
As far as telling people what they're doing is wrong - unfounded claims, ignorant statements, and blind fanboyism are off-limits for GUFU. To call me a fanboy, you have to imply that I'm a *fanatic* of some platform - as someone who's going to game on a PC, 360, and PS3 this generation, that's a rather bold claim to make. Every platform has faults, and which platform is right for me as a hardcore gamer varies.
I've been under an impression for quite some time that your problem with me stems from the viewpoint that everyone has to be a fanboy - and as someone who opposed to pointless brand loyalty - I have no particular company for you to nail me to.
So, you would buy another Nintendo system? That kind of contradicts the statement you made in "that thread" that went something to the effect of "Nintendo will never get another dollar from me." That would be considered anti-Nintendo, methinks.
You don't have to think that every Wii game will be bad to be anti-Nintendo. :? There's no one in SW who actually thinks no good game will ever come out for the system they hate.
Okay, not manticores, "fans." :roll: To me, that says "I'm a fanboy, but I don't want to be included in that group." That is elitist, and that is my point.
That last comment has a sense of irrational label-hatred to it. You aren't one of those people, are you? Anyway, all joking about lemmingness aside, to be a fanboy, you have to exhibit loyalty or hatred towards a company. You have hatredtowards Nintendo, reagrdless of what you're saying now, so you are a fanboy. I'm suuuuuuure you can live with it.
However, I consider fanboy in SWto be lighter than that. The side you argue the mostdecides what type of fanboy you are. That's it. Now, humor this for a moment and think of what fanboy you would be.
Anyway, I have to go to lunch, so I won't be responding for a while if you expect me to.
Fanboy implies I'm a *fanatic* of some system Tsug, which I'm not. You are unable to lump me with any particular group, so you simply keep shouting "fanboy" when it is rather clear I am not. I have a problem with being labeled - especially labeled something I am not.
In your case, you wish to label me only so you can dismiss my viewpoint without being forced to consider it. Because you are unable to discredit that my position on gaming is, indeed, my own perfectly valid viewpoint as a hardcore gamer, you feel the need to attack me. Nintendo won't be getting any more money for me this generation - I do not plan to buy into the Wii as a console, however that does not mean that I will hold anything against them in fair judgment of their games, nor does it mean that I won't buy into a Nintendo platform in the future, should they rescind their current vision for their consoles. This generation, Nintendo has put out the Wii, which I have fundamental problems with as a gamer. It does not meet my needs, and represents a direction, level of presentation, and feature-set that does not interest me. How does that make me a fanboy?
I'm more complex than your simple label-and-dismiss strategy allows for - and I have ideologies that go beyond what any one thread would represent of me. You have chosen in the past to call yourself a Nintendo fanboy, that is your decision. I am not a fanboy for any side, respect my decision.
GUFU represents a certain caliber, viewpoint, and sty le of posting - if we are elitist for encorcing the philosophy that defines us in our membership, then so be it - but, as I've said many times, you have a serious complaint - I'd be happy to take it up in PM, rather than in SW.
Ignore him man, he condridicts himself in this thead so many times so dont bother. :D
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