So let me get this straight. You block, button mash, dodge, button mash, and then repeat?
What do you do? Hold the R button, and push the controller stick forward? Dont make me laugh. There are other games besides shooters u know? Playing games with only blood, and violence doesnt make you cool. Seriously lems and cows need to try something different especially lems. Btw i do have a 360, got it on release day so dont play the "oh your a sheep" game with me. IMO cows at least have a bit of variation on their console, and this is coming from a guy who doesnt even own a PS3. these AAA multiplats or w/e are mostly shooters with a lack of creativity. its all generic shooters. Its fine to play shooters once in a while ( i love Gears, Halo, Crysis, Metro 2033, HL2, TF2, Dead Space etc), but JESUS CRYSIS man dont u get tired of the same old, aliens vs humans, aliens vs aliens, humans vs humans, 1 american guy taking out hundreds of other people, the middle east etc, AND those stupid hands just swaying back and forth across the screen like its caressing some other object, person or pet. Im surprised no one is getting tired of shooters cuz thats all u 360/PS3 owners have (oh and some simulations). Graphics are nice and important, but there is more to games than just graphics thats why we have different categories when we rate a game. You want to know why i have a wii? Because unlike the other consoles Nintendo doesnt make 1 game liek MW then announce the 2nd the next day after release and finishes that withn the next 1yr or so. Nintendo spends time on their games and doesnt spew out this generic crap. They spend years just for one game. Zelda Wii has been in development since 05. It doesnt take 5yrs to make an average adventure game, but Nintendo wants it to be in tip top shape and quality, and hopes to make it something worth spending ur money on. they dont just make an average adventure game the make an awesome epic adventure game. 360/PS3 may have quantity, but u dont have a large amount of quality. Spit out ratings as much as you want, but halo, gears, and COD (as much as i may enjoy them) havent done much for gaming as Nintendo's first party IP's have. you ask people what game established 3d platforming Mario 64, you ask what was the first great console shooter, people bring up goldeneye, you mention something about rpgs people bring up final fantasy 6 on the SNES, u bring up action adventure, HELLO Zelda. These characters are more iconic than and memorable than most lems or cows would like them to be sadly. Thats why i have a wii, because unlike most people apparently i like to have some sort of diversity in what i play
Nobody wants to read that big wall of text. And read my other post on Muramasa. And 360/PS3 have much more than just shooters. Also, nobody considers themselves cool for playing a game with blood in it.
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