whats with this higher standards crap ??? PC does have higher standards like for graphics,online when it comes to having dedicated servers, and things of that kind. Example MW2 on the PC got an 8.5 for not having dedicated servers, something PC gamers are used to having in a FPS. But the overall game did meet the high standard of the PC. Now to say that some AA games on the PC are better than some AAA games on the consoles is completely ridiculous. AA game will be a AA game no mater how you look at it, it all depends on the standard set by the console/PC.
"If our standard of comparison for PC games was "the console version," the PC version would get a higher score than the others over 90% of the time." Kevin V.
What was he talking about though ?... seems to me like his talking about a multiplat game. Like he said if the game release for the PC was the console version it would have to get a lower socre, because of the higher standard. But that does not automatically mean AA PC games are better than a AAA game on the consoles. Anyways I've seen that qoute a lot lately and people just miss use it imo.
He's talking about PC games using a higher standard of comparison when reviewed this applies to all games. No PC game in its review is compared to the console version, as console standards are based of other console games which has lower standards as he stated by saying the PC version would score higher 90% of the time. Its a general statement following an example using MW2. He goes onto say that when a PC version of a multiplat outscores a console version its due to the PC version being much better as he uses Metro 2033 as an example.
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