Think about it. It would be a gaming PC, a market that they are already in. Dont they own alienware? Anyway... they could make a PC gaming rig geared towards console gamers. PC gamers such as I always say how a PC can do anything and more than a console can do. So why doesn't Dell take advantage of this? What I mean is Dell should make a PC gaming rig that looks like a console. Have it in a small case. Affordable, maybe like $400 - $500. Comes with a control pad. Connections to hook it up to a TV and WALA you have yourself a console thats really a PC. Bottom line I am saying make it as EASY as possible for the console gamer to TRANSITION to PC gaming. IDK just a thought that came to me. Anyone think this is a good idea?
The only other thing is that PC wouldnt really have the ease of access to just "pop in a cd/blue ray" and start playing a game and not have to install, but sheesh with Steam now a days its easy as heck to install and start up a game on the PC. Even a console player would be able to learn it quick : p Thats another idea, have Steam partner with Dell and have Steam pre loaded on all the rigs. Basically this rig would aim competiton against current consoles. Try to transition console gamers into PC gamers. Would anyone be interested in this?
I think a lot of console gamers are leary of PC gaming, because of the complexity of it. When in actuality there is not much complexity to it at all. Dell could get rid of this perceived complexity and have everything ready to go in the box ready to hook up to your living room TV.
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