1. People complain about backtracking in OTHER games. Yep, that's not bias at all.
just not getting huh? alright then. youre right. we shouldnt listen to biased people... youre biased towards nintendo... therefore we shouldnt listen to anything you have to say in regards to them
2. I shouldn't have to wait till the end for a damn challenge. That's KH2 all over again.
there are alot of games that start off easy and get hard. they usually only dock points if its easy through-out
3. Who said it was? I'm just saying, MMBN gets serious criticism for being repetitve along with MM in general yet Zelda is the same way and gets AAA scores.
they probably mean repetitive as in doing the same actions over and over in the same game... like how beat-em ups tend to get repetitive.
1. Then I guess you'll have to explain cuase I don't get what you're trying to say.
like i already said, reviewers (most of them) know better and dont dock points because its always been part of the gameplay. metroid does it in a way where it doesnt become annoying to backtrack, unlike other games that DO get docked points because the backtracking kills the flow of the game
2. SMG is pretty easy in general. Bowser wasn't really that hard of a boss either. I guess a better example would be WW as I never died once in the whole game. The second boss was the closest I got to death. The rest was so painfully easy with terribly made side quests. How it got a 9 here is a mystery.
wow. not only did it get 9.5 here, but its the second highest rated game this gen. its one thing if you dont like a game, thats your opinion, but its different if you are calling every reviewer biased.... thats just ridiculous
3. Zelda games often rehash the same items/weapons each game. Nothing wrong with that but MMBN did the same thing and reviewers began to trash it even when Capcom added in more gameplay elements.
almost every single sequel has most of the items/weapons from the previous game and add a couple here and there, funny how you only notice and have a problem with this with nintendo games....
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