I hate using these terms to define a hobby that everyone enjoys to different extents, but I'll play along. However my idea of hardcore isn't so much what makes up the game, but how it is played.
I can pick up and play Mario Galaxy and beat it, over a course of time, and eventually beat it 100% ( Casual, I guess)
Or I can pick up and play Mario Galaxy and speed-run the entire game 100%, imposing some sort of handicap on myself in the process(don't know if that's possible to impose a handicap on yourself in this game, just saying this for sake of comparison.) (Hardcore)
I can play Starcraft campaign. (Casual)
I can play Starcraft competitively (HARDCORE)
I can quest and farm a little bit on my WoW account. Doing instances and having a jolly good time.(Casual)
Obtaining the best gear available to conquer the Heroic top tier Raids and work my way up the Battlegrounds in the rankings (Hardcore)
I can run through Mass Effect on Easy as a Soldier ignoring every codex and skipping side quests. (Casual)
I can play through Mass Effect on max Difficulty as a (idk.. weak class I don't know them very well) completing the game 100% (Hardcore)
I guess you can kind of see where I'm going with this. Agree or disagree if you like, but I think every game can be played to a hardcore or casual extent. It pains me to say those words. :cry:
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