Do they own Xbox360's and PS3's? Or are they elitist PC owners? Maybe they are the proud owners of all current-gen consoles? Or perhaps they are gamers that still play games of past gens that were once considered "hardcore"?
The definition of "hardcore" is often a blurry line on which gamers walk along in battle for supremacy. In recent disputes to hardcorism I've heard such titles as Gears of War, GTA IV, Halo 3, World of Warcraft, and Madden mentioned. These are some titles which fall on that line that no one can seem to agree which side they actually land on. These are certainly games enjoyed on a level suitable to hardcore fulfillment's, but also enjoyed by millions of casual gamers as well.
I'm sure there are many games you consider "hardcore" firing off in your head right now...Diablo, Starcraft, Halflife...the fact is, probably most of everyone on this board right now loves video games to some degree, some more than others. People from all walks of life, with various budgets and ages all find the time to support the hobby they know and love. Not just by playing, but by actively keeping up with current gaming events and debating their views on the whole matter.
One thing is certain, we love gaming. It is the fabric of who we are, and for many it is the motivation for what we aspire to be some day. We can sit here and argue wether Joe_Smoe isn't hardcore because he doesn't like X game . We can debate whether X system > X system. We can state how PC gaming supreme and above all else. We can do all these things until we are blue in the face...
Or, we can take a step back and think a bit, and realize how we all aren't that different to begin with. Each of us has their own definition of a "hardcore gamer". Many of us stray away from that term because of how it is often thought of. I used to consider myself a "hardcore gamer", but then I realized how pathetic and false that label has become.
A lot of gamers aren't going to like the same things I like or you like. People grow up in different times with different tastes. Sure I may think it's horrifying to see someone write "Mario sucks". But then I have to realize, they probably didn't grow up in the 80's or 90's where Mario defined a genre and redefined the way 3d is done. I can't expect younger gamers to live that and understand it, and I can't call them casual because they didn't grow up in that time period. The same goes with countless classics that are loved and bashed on a daily basis.
That is all I have to say on the issue. It took me a long time of gaming to realize all this. I hope it makes sense and gives people something they haven't thought of before. While we all argue who and what is hardcore, it is FACT that we all love games. :)
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