Why are gamers so pinned down into arguing about the better game console when it's not even your problem if you're not making money from it? Why can't we all just get together in a table and talk about how good games are not how the tool used to play them does things. We can share things, such as you can talk about how good Gears of war is to us people that haven't played it ( including people with xbox that just won't play it ) or how much fun it is to get your friends killed in New super mario bros, or talk about what silly things you did that was fun in little big planet, or just spend some time making fun of Final Fantasy 13. Call me stupid, but I hope one day we can all play a good Gold Rush match together and take each other's dogtags. Or let's us play Dark Souls while you gather souls I'll go behind you and push you down a cliff to revive myself.
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