I've just finished reading this
"There's no way Microsoft will install a Blu-ray drive into the Xbox 720, and to be quite honest, I don't think there's any reason for it to do so.(lol wut?) The reasons are simple. First, Microsoft doesn't want to pay a competitor--Sony, the key backer behind the Blu-ray Disc Association--to use its format"(this makes sense)
"The future of gaming has nothing to do with Blu-ray. And although we don't know what Microsoft will include in the Xbox 720, I'm willing to bet it'll feature DVD and a strong online component where buying games through Xbox Live is made simpler.
It's the smart move."
So m$ won't put blu-ray on the xbox 3, it will still go with dvd(most likely).
Imo this is crazy, i think m$ is trying to hold back the "evolution" of formats.As we all see blu-ray is very successful, laptop manufacturers like Asus, Acer, Sony(d'oh) all have many models with blu-ray. I don't think m$ will take the risk to make another new format since they saw what happened to HD-DVD.It's just silly, what would have happend if we would still use only CDs? we would have games on...like 10 CDs.After 2 years blu-ray will be cheaper and affordable....
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