Considering we had one for Halo, it's only right that Gears gets one.
Gears of War 3 > Gears of War 1 > Gears of War 2 > Gears of War Judgement (imo)
Gears of War 3 was the most content-packed game in ages with a campaign that ended the Marcus saga perfectly plus four KILLER multiplayer modes (traditional, Horde, Beast and Coop). Gears of War 1 was amazing because of its tightly paced/horror-filled singleplayer but multiplayer was a bit of Gnasher/Shotty fest compared to Gears 3. Gears 2 campaign was fun but gimmicky, horde mode was a first and it was great; multiplayer was decent after a few updates but it just doesn't compare to the first two. Gears Judgement was alright, nothing too bad.
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