Sonic The HedgeHog will always remain my favourite but a game that comes close is Jak and Daxter. Colourful, lively, great characters and amazing to explore.
how the hell is J&D a platformer? it has guns and crap in it and vehicles
sometimes i think people just post something different because they not to fond of the game series that is the obvious answer
so? Ratchet and clank has that in it too..and that has a lot of platforming...same with ape escape and other platformers.
I havnt personally played the jak games but there are platforming from the videos i have seen.
thats not the base of the game though. yes it has jumping on an impressive level design but its not a platformer its an action adventure game. if it was a platformer it would say platformer under it.
Same with R&C i played them all and its no way a platformer but an action adventure shooter with platforming elements. GOW has puzzle but is it a puzzle game? thats the streth a few posters are making
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