super mario brothers without question. i know pong brought it to the masses but super mario brothers saved it from collapse.
While Pong was the first successful video game, it was actually Space Invaders and Pac-Man that brought video games to the masses during the golden age of arcade games.
Doom was not an online game, you could only play Doom over linked PC's and closed networks. About 6 months after Doom shareware blew the roof off the BBS's, DWANGO started up and you could dial into hosted games, for a monthly fee + the phone charges (if applicable)
Quake shipped with actual internet online play. Huge difference, and Id designed Quake multiplayer for that purpose. IMO, Doom and Quake are both very huge steps, especially for the PC market. Plus the Quake engine... so much stuff was made with it, and companies like Valve were able to get started because of the way Carmack basically gave the code out to anyone that had a good idea and some tech savvy.
But I can see how it can be said that one was a direct result of the other.
Yes, but it was Doom that initiated the process that would be complete with Quake. While Quake built on Doom and certainly improved on it in many ways with its own innovations, its legacy is too heavily dependent on Doom, so I don't see how that would necessarily make it more important than, say, the likes of Wolfenstein 3D, GoldenEye 007, Half-Life or even Halo? I still think it would have been better to replace Quake with a different game from another genre, with Space Invaders or Pong being obvious examples.
Without Pong, you wouldn't have had SMB.Ohh snapSilverbond
But then, we could go back even further and say without Spacewar, there wouldn't be Pong... but I know what you mean.
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