Doom 2016 for sure
They changed the games title to try hide the metacritic score at the time.
Ace Combat Assault Horizon.
It's not a poorly put together game, buggy, or any of that. It's just a terrible video game.
You don't even need to compare it to its predecessors to make the argument, so I won't bother. It's a bad video game because it effectively removes any sort of challenge facing the player yet puts on the facade as if you're being challenged to complete objectives. It's a narrative focused game that routinely takes complete control away from the player, forcing them into terrible QTE sections that are just an overall bad mix of the worst aspects of the mechanics. It features some wholly boring and uninteresting on-rails sequences that serve as little more than interactive cutscene in between missions that have no challenge or real reward to completing the game. There is no risk/reward either. You can't even crash your plane into the ground. It just kind of bounces. Pathetic.
The only difficult mission was the final mission where you have to survive long enough for a QTE to being. I beat it by basically avoiding the entire level and finally getting lucky with a QTE. The game discouraged me from actually playing it. This was pretty much a reoccuring theme throughout. The objectives relied on you completing a QTE and would punish you for trying to attempt to play without the hand-holding.
It's a bad game standing alone, but it's even worse when you compare it to its predecessors. Those games emphasized freedom, risk/reward, and had excellent set piece missions with fantastic design that challenged you to find new approaches to beat the level with the highest score possible. Assault Horizon does literally everything the exact opposite way. Missions that discourage freedom, absolutely no risk for no reward, and no memorable set pieces or moments that glued together the disjointed mechanics of the fixed winged, helicopter, and on-rails sections.
What pisses me off even more is they squandered a fantastic soundtrack on this pile of shit.
Worst game I've ever played and anybody who enjoyed it is a terrible person.
Lmao, does anything else need to be said?
I grew up playing on the Sinclair Spectrum 48K so some truly awful games on that platform. Something like Knightmare.
If PoP was the worst game you EVER played then you got really fucking lucky because truly actually bad games actually exist.
@jumpaction: It was harrowing alright, but sometimes you've just got to learn the hard way. I'm much more shrewd with my cereal choices these days.
Superman 64 and Duke Nukem Forever
S64 was so bad there should have been a lawsuit. The pre release and in development interviews said one thing. At release we received a rectangular nugget of grey crap.
I don't give a crap if it was revolutionary. It was still boring as hell. I dropped it like a hot potato. It wasn't until Asteroids that I took interest in video games.
@Wasdie: The humor was a major turn off for me. it made me hate the game, not to mention, it was nothing like Ratchet and Clank. The game just wasn't my cup of tea and too chaotic overall. The game felt like a chore to play.
I knew you were batshit crazy, but that ^ just proves it. I get that everyone is not going to like it, but to say it's not like R & C is your problem not the games, and it's too chaotic? maybe you should have done your research as your complaints are more you then actual faults with the game.
I was bartending at Penang restaurant in Soho NYC and a buddy that waited tables was a weaboo. This was 2002 or so. He was all excited about FF10 and said "caine, you're a gamer, try this awesome game." I knew from my past that I never could get into FF7,8,9 or Turn based weab shit. But I do from time to time check to see if tastes have changed. So I borrow it. It was absolutely painfully babybackballbagbullshit. Shit. From an anus.
Bible adventures on the NES at my buddy's house. His dad was a Pastor and thought games about plumbers that grow after eating mushrooms was from the devil.
Of course not because you're batshit crazy, but your reasoning for not liking the game is not because it has faults it's because you failed to do your research on the game and thought it was gonna be like R & C.
Carmageddon 64. It was a port of an already bad game (Carmageddon 2 I believe), but botched so bad that is was quite literally unplayable. Nothing kills a car game harder than physics that don't make sense and controls that give you anything but control.
Streets of Moscow is another obscure racing game that was horrid for much of the same reasons.
I gotta say, Uncharted. Worst series ever. Followed by Rocket League.
come on. uncharted is not that bad. i cant stand uncharted either but its much better series than tomb raider.
tomb raider and rise of tomb raider are some of the worst games i have ever played. they made uncharted feel like Half life.
@ghosts4ever: It's mind boggling how limited and horrible your gaming taste are lol.
so because i dont like a game that require zero challange, and is straight forward QTE fest action game featuring worst protagonist of all time. my taste in gaming is limited?
Halo: Combat Evolved
Boring enemies, bland story, awful art direction, weak gunplay and the most repetitive levels in videogame history.
Halo: Combat Evolved
Boring enemies, bland story, awful art direction, weak gunplay and the most repetitive levels in videogame history.
I agree about level design. they are so repetetive over and over and over again. I played it on PC long ago and game was very average.
Uncharted 2 was probably the least engaging game I've ever played. It constantly insults the intelligence of the player to the point where it feels like the game doesn't even want you there at times. It went out of its way to avoid any aspect of this medium that I consider enjoyable.
I like some combination of the following
-Satisfying Challenge
-Tight, responsive controls
-Player propelled Exploration
Uncharted 2 had none of these things. It's one of those games where it feels like I'm just going through the motions: that I don't really matter in the experience. That's just not my jam.
I gotta say, Uncharted. Worst series ever. Followed by Rocket League.
come on. uncharted is not that bad. i cant stand uncharted either but its much better series than tomb raider.
tomb raider and rise of tomb raider are some of the worst games i have ever played. they made uncharted feel like Half life.
You must not have played Uncharted then lol.
Smashing Drive for the GameCube. I bought it during a Costco shopping trip because the cover made it look like a Crazy Taxi clone, but yeah... I can't think of a game that's both more boring and broken to play. Even navigating the options menu was a fight with the controls.
Definitely something I played on either the 2600 or the NES. Bunch of equally shitty games that are either horribly designed or just straight up broken. I know it's almost predictable to say E.T. at this point, but really, that's the first that comes to mind.
I get the Doom 4 shits in this thread, but some of these other answers are wut. Seems some of you have been lucky enough to not play truly awful games lol.
I get the Doom 4 shits in this thread, but some of these other answers are wut. Seems some of you have been lucky enough to not play truly awful games lol.
you mean tomb raider level of awful?
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