Alisia Dragoon, Alone in the Dark, Dragon Quest V, Dune II, Fatal Fury 2, Fate of Atlantis, Final Fantasy V, Flashback, Landstalker, Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Lunar, Mario Kart, Mortal Kombat, Mystical Ninja, Ninja Gaiden, Robo Aleste, Snatcher, Sonic 2, Street Fighter II Turbo, Soul Blazer, Streets of Rage 2, Turtles in Time, Ultima VII & Underworld, Virtua Racing, Wonder Boy in Monster World, World Heroes
Aladdin, Breath of Fire, Daytona USA, Day of the Tentacle, DBZ VRVS, Doom, Fatal Fury Special, Final Fight CD, Gabriel Knight, Gunstar Heroes, Illusion of Gaia, Lemmings 2, Lands of Lore, Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, Lufia, Mario All-Stars, Mortal Kombat 2, Ridge Racer, Rocket Knight Adventures, Samurai Shodown, Secret of Mana, Shinobi III, Sonic CD, Star Fox, Super Street Fighter II, Tower of Doom, Virtua Fighter
Age of Empires, Alundra, Breath of Fire III, Castlevania SOTN, Curse of Monkey Island, Diablo, Diddy Kong Racing, Dungeon Keeper, Exhumed, Fallout, Fighters Megamix, Final Fantasy VII & Tactics, GoldenEye, Grandia, ISS Pro, Mario Kart 64, MDK, Saturn Bomberman, SFIII: 2nd Impact, SFEX Plus, PaRappa the Rapper, Princess Crown, RayStorm, Soul Blade, Oddworld, Tekken 3, Tomb Raider 2, Virtua Fighter 3tb, Wild Arms, YU-NO
Baldur's Gate, Banjo-Kazooie, Cotton Boomerang, Daytona USA 2, DDR, Fighting Vipers 2, F-Zero X, Grim Fandango, Guardian Force, Half-Life, HOTD2, Lunar 2, Metal Slug 2, MGS, Marvel vs Capcom, SF Alpha 3, Ocarina of Time, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Pokemon Yellow, Radiant Silvergun, Resident Evil 2, Sakura Wars 2, Sega Rally 2, Sonic Adventure, Soul Calibur, StarCraft, Star Ocean 2, Suikoden II, Tales of Destiny, Xenogears
Ace Attorney, Advance Wars, Blurred Line, Burnout, Capcom vs SNK 2, Daytona 2001, DOA3, DMC, DQ7, FFX, GTA3, GT3, Guitar Freaks, Halo, Ico, Ikaruga, Max Payne, MGS2, Monkey Ball, PES, Phantasy Star Online 2, Pikmin, Ridge Racer V, Rogue Leader, Sakura Wars V, Shadow of Memories, Shenmue II, Silent Hill 2, Smackdown 2, Smash Bros Melee, Sonic Adventure 2, Soul Reaver 2, SSX Tricky, Tekken 4, Typing of the Dead, VF4
DMC3, DQ8, Dungeon Fighter, Ever 17, Forza Motorsport, Geometry Wars, GT4, Guild Wars, Guitar Hero, HOTD4, MGS3 Subsistence, Metal Slug 6, Naruto: Gekito Ninja Taisen 4, Ninja Gaiden Black, PES5, Prince of Persia: Two Thrones, Psychonauts, Resident Evil 4, Rogue Galaxy, Sangokushi Taisen, Shadow of the Colossus, Soul Calibur 3, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, VF5
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