I got this 3 years ago.
Westinghouse 24 LCD
Excellent for the bedroom and not too big so I wont get eye strain:D
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I got this 3 years ago.
Westinghouse 24 LCD
Excellent for the bedroom and not too big so I wont get eye strain:D
55 inch Toshiba 1080P, 120hz, LCD. I occasionally go in my son's room to play with him, but that is on a 32in 720p Samsung LCD. My wifehas a 46in 1080P Sony BRavia LCD in our bedroom,but she doesn't want me to game back there.
sammy 40` 240hz 1080p lcd. got it on sale last year for 900
great tv imo
Sounds like a really good deal![QUOTE="dontshackzmii"]
due to the lack of a TV tuner. mostly.
which is fine. a PC can have a tuner card anyhow. and I'm fairly sure monitor's are much better at scaling images than TVs are. rather that TVs are just piss poor for the odd resolutions.
also due to there being no speakers and only 16.7 million colours and low end video prosessing . Tvs spank monitors in picture . all LCDs do a bad job at displaying anything other then its native res. They have fixed pixels . Tvs have better cpus in them and can do a great job at upscaling .
Monitors have better resolutions and are you really using no speakers as a negative? There are PC monitors that do in fact have speakers built in, though not sure why anyone would WANT to use built in speakers with monitors or TVs. As for up-scaling, meh if console games did true HD we would not have to worry about this would we? Yeah, I'm not sure Tv's have a better picture display then monitors. I think they are probably pretty even. I have the VGA hookups for my son's 360, and when it was hooked up to his 22in LG monitor, it looked very good! It may be that you are sitting closer, but when I am standing directly in front of my 55in Toshiba, the picture isn't that impressive. So, I say equal.Good purchase. You won't be disappointed. I've had my 46in Sony Bravia for over 2 years now, and the picture is outstanding, and it has no noticeable performance issues.Just got a 32" Sony Bravia 1080p today=D
This place has become quite the nerd cave since my brother moved in. He bought a 47" full HD Samsung ( my older 32" HD Ready Philips looks so damn puny compared to it :() and I've been playing all my HD games on that. 32" Philips SD is enough for my N64 and PS2.
due to the lack of a TV tuner. mostly.
which is fine. a PC can have a tuner card anyhow. and I'm fairly sure monitor's are much better at scaling images than TVs are. rather that TVs are just piss poor for the odd resolutions.
also due to there being no speakers and only 16.7 million colours and low end video prosessing . Tvs spank monitors in picture . all LCDs do a bad job at displaying anything other then its native res. They have fixed pixels . Tvs have better cpus in them and can do a great job at upscaling .
Monitors have better resolutions and are you really using no speakers as a negative? There are PC monitors that do in fact have speakers built in, though not sure why anyone would WANT to use built in speakers with monitors or TVs. As for up-scaling, meh if console games did true HD we would not have to worry about this would we? My TV doesn't even have speakers built in. You have to add them.[QUOTE="ultrapc"]I actually use a 24'' Acer LCD 1080p monitor with my PS3,360 , and picture quality is amazing , And much cheaper than Tvs.todd2r
50" Toshiba 1080p plasma and its definately nice for gaming. i can lay back on the couch and play for hours and dont have to worry about being right in front of the screen. I will be upgrading to an LED tv by xmas though
Going from Plasma to LCD/LED is not upgrading.an LG 720p HDTV.
It's pretty cool.
Here's some pictures of what Gears 2, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, and Ocarina of Time (VC) look like on it.
oh and this is the other TV a 1080p(I think.) Oliva TV.
55 inch Toshiba 1080P, 120hz, LCD. I occasionally go in my son's room to play with him, but that is on a 32in 720p Samsung LCD. My wifehas a 46in 1080P Sony BRavia LCD in our bedroom,but she doesn't want me to game back there.
What is it with wives not wanting video gaming in the bedroom? I guess that really shows video gaming isn't cool......at least to them. Yet, they prefer hubbies do video gaming (at home) rather than go out.
Any HDTV will give you a nice picture, you cant really go wrong. I myself did a lot of research when I purchase my set, alot of these HDTV tend to have input lag in them because of all the processing they do. Found a nice 32" Panasonic 720p set and thats what i use for my 360 and PS3. And for the most part an HDTV will give you a better picture quality than your typical TN LCD montor regardless of the resolution. If you want a quality monitor get one with an S-PVA or IPS panel as they will provide superior picture quality.
55 inch Toshiba 1080P, 120hz, LCD. I occasionally go in my son's room to play with him, but that is on a 32in 720p Samsung LCD. My wifehas a 46in 1080P Sony BRavia LCD in our bedroom,but she doesn't want me to game back there.
What is it with wives not wanting video gaming in the bedroom? I guess that really shows video gaming isn't cool......at least to them. Yet, they prefer hubbies do video gaming (at home) rather than go out.
I don't know what it is? Gaming does keep me home, and other than occassionally playing basketball, it is really my main hobby. It doesn't matter to me that I can't game in the bedroom, seeing as how the living room is really my domain anyways. I'm always out there, either watching football, or gaming, which she always watches tv in the bedroom, or when we do watch a movie together,its in the bedroom, and a movie of her choice. Wife = king of the castle!!50" 1080p Panasonic Plasma can't remember the exact model but cost me around £3000 when I got it and well it looks phenomenal :)... on PC I play games on a 22" Samsung at 1680x1050.
[QUOTE="jshaas"]I have a 40" Samsung LCD 1080p. Got it when Circuit City went out of business... saved about $400 on it.thepoop7No you didn't, Circuit City wanted you to think you did.....but you really didn't "save" anything on it. Really? Cause I'm pretty sure I did a lot of research on pricing before I bought it. Everywhere else had it for $1599... I got it for $1199. That's a $400 difference buddy. Thanks for playing though.
I play my PC and xbox on my sig picture. PC on eyefinity screens and xbox is just connected to the middle screen. I play my ps3 on a 50" 120hz LCD 1080p with natural motion. Makes everygame you play seem like your running 90fps lol Even during laggy games it makes it more playable its funny it's kind of a advantage.
sammy 40` 240hz 1080p lcd. got it on sale last year for 900
great tv imo
Sounds like a really good deal! yeah it was. was gonna get the 120 hz model at a local sears. but i found this on sale at amazon. about a week later this tv went back up to 1400Please Log In to post.
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