[QUOTE="Blackbond"]- HELL F'N NO TO FFVII:REMAKE!!! For the love of god just stop with the whole Final Fantasy Vii thing already. Make FFXIII a much better game or concentrate resources on making new game or how bought a new Chrono game?
- GTAVVI shown off and gameplay I agree with.
- Same goes for MGS4 and FFIII
- GT5 does need to be shown I agree
- New Super Mario Brothers 2 I wouldn't mind
- RE5 does need to be shown already holy crap
- Final Halo Build or near to final build would be nice I agree
- Killzone 2 has to be shown period. Gameplay not some trailer too.
- How would Super Smash work for DS? But I agree
I agree with all of your points except FFVII remake. As for me I want.
- Nintendo Wii Plan Finalized and hopefully good.
- Demo of Playstation HOME being used and hopefully its good.
- Fire Emblem for DS (come on its Advance War's handheld cousin now)
- Come on nobody wants to know more about Metroid Prime 3 Corruption?
- Demonstrations of Cross Platform gaming from PC to 360.
- I want to see Crysis played and Multiplayer too.
No way dude! FFVII remake would be awesome! The only thing I don't like about my favourite game is the graphics so it'd be so cool to see it with PS3 like graphics. ;)
Chrono Break announced (and given a freakin release date) would be awesome! I've wanted that for years now. Chrono Cross was fantastic.
Yep, AW is my most played DS game. I've put in over 50 hours I think (I know some people who have put in like 200!). I love that series, they and that would be amazing if Nintendo did announce it. Nintendo said it sold well so I wouldn't be surprised with another AW.
I've never played Fire Emblem! :o
Super Smash Bros would definitely work for DS! Like, you probably wouldn't use the touch pen but I'm sure they could do it well for DS. And it would be even more awesome if they put online in it!
Square should be smacked for remaking FFVII if it happens. If they port the original to PSP or DS then fine but to waste all those resources on just a freaking remake is just in my opinion a waste of resources. Why not just make FFVII-2?
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