Quoted word by word, with the naked mole rat refrences cut out...
Just as bears aren't really the number one threat to America as asserted by Stephen Colbert on The Colbert Report, Wii isn't the number one threat to gamers as many industry pundits have recently griped. Their argument goes something like this: if Wii is a huge success, then game publishers will put all their development dollars, yen, pounds, and euros into making Wii Sports knockoffs and sushi-rolling sims while more-complex titles for core gamers will become as rare as grizzly bears in Manhattan. The argument ignores publishers' primary motivation, which is money. Money, to the tune of more than 10 billion dollars annually, has flowed from gamers to game bulishers over recent years, and most of the spending was on shooters, adventures, RPGS, and other core-friendly titles. The though that game companies would turn their backs on that market is silly.
Further evidence that traditional game genres are as healthy as ever can be seen in this month's Metroid Prime 3: Corruption cover story. According to senior write Steve Thomason, Retro Studio's long-anticipated title is worth the wait. I boldly predict that with one flick of the Wii remote Metroid Prime 3 will make believers out of critics everywhere. And the story on DS is just as positive. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass is quite possibly the best DS game ever. So the next time you hear some bearish boor proclaim gaming doom at the hands of Wii, ignore the growling. It's just noise.
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