Too many to list. Mostly all xbox exclusives. That should change here soon since buying a series x. Already completed halo 1.
Too many to list. Mostly all xbox exclusives. That should change here soon since buying a series x. Already completed halo 1.
Never played an Xcom game.
Haven't played a Madden game since SNES. I have neve replayed a 3d madden game. Football is like watching paint dry.
Likewise I've never played FIFA... Soccer is like watching grass grow.
Bruh… Play Xcom. The story is fun and they’re difficult and super stressful. Not like most games where you just know you’re gonna be OK. I went to Xcom Enemy Unknown after finishing Mass Effect 3 and was blown away by the way the narrative moved and how high the stakes felt with every decision. It did a MUCH better job than ME in those areas.
And that football slander is unacceptable. What sports do you watch? And you better not say baseball…
Quite a lot actually:
Halo - (Only played HW)
Kingdom Hearts
Final Fantasy (unless you counts my 15 mins with FF13)
NFL, NBA, NHL, PES (Pretty much all Sports games but I did play FIFA back in early 2000s)
Monster Hunter
BioShock comes to mind. It's been constantly recommended to me over the years. Can't see myself ever playing the games though.
Generally what I end up playing is something I'm in the mood for. "That'd be nice right now." I think. BioShock has never really popped into my head when I'm going through this thought process lol. Usually want to play stuff I already own and can easily access too...that's definitely part of the reason.
Never bought or played any COD games.
Also never bought or played any Assassins Creed games.
I am proud of both badges of honor lol
@above_average: You’re not missing much with Call of Duty games,same old’ crap games generation after generation. Haven’t played much AC games,but milked to hell as well.
Zelda. And I even owned a SNES but ignored its highly rated Zelda game. And I never felt the urge to play Ocarina of Time or any of the other games which all have perfect or near-perfect scores.
Ah yes, Zelda. Probably my biggest crime in my long gaming career.
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